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Armored Factory

A factory that deploys armored vehicles that move and fire along the path, ignoring enemies and detecting stealth!
- Store Description
A building that spawns vehicles on the path!
- Former Store Description


The Armored Factory is a summoner tower that spawns armored vehicles that move along the path, with it spawning a Humvee Level 0 on its base level. Unlike the Barracks, units from the Armored Factory will not stop when detecting enemies and will instead constantly move along the path and constantly fire at enemies within their range. Both paths also gain Stealth DetectionStealth Detection, instead of only the Top Path getting it.


The Top Path for the Armored Factory spawns a Humvee Level 4 with Stealth DetectionStealth Detection, with the max upgrade spawning an M2 Bradley that is able to Armour PenetrationIgnore Explosive Resistance. This is the more cost-efficient path between the two, and it is great for dealing with Explosion Immunity Explosive Resistant enemies like Resurrected Juggernauts.

The Bottom Path for the Armored Factory spawns a slow moving MRAP that fires an autocannon dealing Splash RadiusSplash Radius to enemies, and an M1X Abrams that when firing its main cannon deals Damage700 Damage, and can deal more than DPS600 DPS with its entire weaponry. Units on this path tend to be able to tank enemies better than units on the Top Path due to their higher healthpool.


50 CAL+
COST: Cash $700
Tow Launcher
COST: Cash $1,200
Tow Missile Upgrade
COST: Cash $3,000
Missile Turret
COST: Cash $8,000
M2 Bradley
COST: Cash $38,000
  • Buff M2 Bradley | 1750 HP | 400 DPS | 1 every 60 seconds
  • Health +3,500 Health

Vehicle Training
COST: Cash $300
  • DPS Reduce All Spawn Intervals: 0 → 6
  • Health +100 Health
Veteran Training
COST: Cash $400
  • DPS Reduce All Spawn Intervals: 6 → 13
  • Health +100 Health
COST: Cash $8,500
  • Buff MRAP | 1000 HP | 60 DPS | 1 every 59 seconds
  • Health +250 Health
M1 Abrams
COST: Cash $27,000
  • Buff M1 Abrams | 3500 HP | 318.8 DPS | 1 every 77 seconds
  • Health +2,000 Health
M1X Abrams
COST: Cash $54,000

Stats Table[]

Level Total Cost Health Units
0-0 Cash $800 Health800
Humvee Level 0 | Health70 | DPS10.0 | 1 every 75ss
1-0 Cash $1,500 Health900
Humvee Level 1 | Health150 | DPS20.0 | 1 every 75ss
2-0 Cash $2,700 Health1,000
Humvee Level 2 | Health200 | DPS12.5 | 1 every 75ss
3-0 Cash $5,700 Health1,100
Humvee Level 3 | Health300 | DPS41.7 | 1 every 75ss
4-0 Cash $13,700 Health1,500
Humvee Level 4 | Health475 | DPS105.9 | 1 every 50ss
5-0 Cash $51,700 Health4,000
Humvee Level 4 | Health475 | DPS105.9 | 1 every 50s
M2 Bradley | Health1,750 | DPS545.8 | 1 every 60ss
Level Total Cost Health Units
0-0 Cash $800 Health100
Humvee Level 0 | Health70 | DPS10.0 | 1 every 75s
0-1 Cash $1,100 Health900
Humvee Level 0 | Health70 | DPS10.0 | 1 every 69s
0-2 Cash $1,500 Health1,000
Humvee Level 0 | Health70 | DPS10.0 | 1 every 62s
0-3 Cash $10,000 Health1,250
Humvee Level 0 | Health70 | DPS10.0 | 1 every 62s
MRAP | Health1,000 | DPS60.0 | 1 every 59s
0-4 Cash $37,000 Health3,250
Humvee Level 0 | Health70 | DPS10.0 | 1 every 62s
MRAP | Health1,000 | DPS60.0 | 1 every 59s
M1 Abrams | Health3,500 | DPS318.8 | 1 every 77s
0-5 Cash $91,000 Health6,250
Humvee Level 0 | Health70 | DPS10.0 | 1 every 62s
MRAP | Health1,000 | DPS60.0 | 1 every 59s
M1X Abrams | Health6,000 | DPS637.8 | 1 every 67s
Level Total Cost Health Units
0-0 Cash $800 Health800
Humvee Level 0 | Health70 | DPS10.0 | 1 every 75s
1-1 Cash $1,800 Health1,000
Humvee Level 1 | Health150 | DPS20.0 | 1 every 69s
2-2 Cash $3,400 Health1,200
Humvee Level 2 | Health200 | DPS12.5 | 1 every 62s
Level Total Cost Health Units
3-2 Cash $6,400 Health1,300
Humvee Level 3 | Health300 | DPS41.7 | 1 every 62s
4-2 Cash $14,400 Health1,700
Humvee Level 4 | Health475 | DPS105.9 | 1 every 37s
5-2 Cash $52,400 Health4,200
Humvee Level 4 | Health475 | DPS105.9 | 1 every 37s
M2 Bradley | Health1,750 | DPS545.8 | 1 every 47s
Level Total Cost Health Units
2-3 Cash $11,900 Health1,450
Humvee Level 2 | Health200 | DPS12.5 | 1 every 62s
MRAP | Health1,000 | DPS60.0 | 1 every 59s
2-4 Cash $38,900 Health3,450
Humvee Level 2 | Health200 | DPS12.5 | 1 every 62s
MRAP | Health1,000 | DPS60.0 | 1 every 59s
M1 Abrams | Health3,500 | DPS318.8 | 1 every 77s
2-5 Cash $92,900 Health6,450
Humvee Level 2 | Health200 | DPS12.5 | 1 every 62s
MRAP | Health1,000 | DPS60.0 | 1 every 59s
M1X Abrams | Health6,000 | DPS637.8 | 1 every 67s


Humvee 0-1 Humvee 0-1 Humvee 2-3 Humvee 2-3 Humvee 4 M2 Bradley
Humvee Level 0 Humvee Level 1 Humvee Level 2 Humvee Level 3 Humvee Level 4 M2 Bradley
MRAP M1 Abrams
M1X Abrams
MRAP M1 Abrams M1X Abrams


To see all the upgrades of a skin, see the gallery page.

PatriotArmoredFactoryLevel4Path2 Patrol ClownArmoredFactory
Skin Patriot Tower Battles Clown
Rarity Legendary Exclusive Exclusive
Obtainment Method July 4th Crate Tower Battles Event 2024 Halloween Event
Skin Neko
Rarity Legendary
Obtainment Method Valentine's Crate


  • It is not recommended to place Summoner Towers in valuable positions (such as corners) as all Summoner Towers can be placed anywhere without losing effectiveness.
    • There is an exception for expensive Summoner Towers due to EDJ's discount buff since it can save you much needed Cash. But still, try to place it in the least valuable position in range of the EDJ.
      • Keep in mind of EDJ's low range.
      • Also, EDJ can be placed anywhere on the map, so one EDJ could be easily dedicated to discounts for the Armored Factory.
    • It should be noted that EDJ's firerate and range buffs do not work on summoned units.
  • Armored Factory is not recommended to be selected on maps like Deserted Island due to it's short length. the time it takes to spawn another unit, and the fact it is unable to stop in place like the Barracks' units can.
    • On the other hand, it excels on maps with long lengths as the length gives more time for destroyed units to be replaced (potential allowing for more than one unit) and the length ensures it can fire safely from farther distances to deal extra damage.
  • Buying an upgrade that exchanges one unit for another (Humvee Level 0 -> Humvee Level 1) after the unit spawns will allow the upgraded unit to spawn about ten seconds after the upgrade has been purchased, allowing two units to be on the track much closer together. You can use this trick to manipulate and preserve stronger vehicles.
  • Both paths can detect stealth enemies. However, the Humvee Level 0, Humvee Level 1, Humvee Level 2 and MRAP can only deal collision (and splash for the latter two) damage to them.
    • That means if you need to get stealth detection as soon as possible, upgrade to 3-X as it is cheaper than X-3/X-4.
  • The Armored Factory is effective against bullet-resistant enemies because their collision damage and splash damage can bypass their resistance.
  • When the Armored Factory gets destroyed or sold, all units spawned by it will explode. To prevent it from being attacked, simply put it in an area where it cannot be detected.
  • In a quad game, if everyone has brought Armored Factory, 12 in total are able to be placed.
  • Armored Factory is best used in trios, since if all 3 players bring it, nine can be placed in total.
  • Armored Factory's Top path values more DPS in total while Bottom path is more expensive by about Cash $40,000 but has greater coverage and health to tank incoming enemies.
    • This makes bottom path Armored Factory generally better late game in the Expert and Endless gamemodes.


  • The Armored Factory is one of seven towers that received their own dedicated trailer. The other six towers being the Attack Helo, John, Behemoth, Warship, War Machine, and AC-130 ability, also known as the AC-130 Support nowadays.
  • The trailer shows us a Humvee, the M1 Abrams, and a Cougar. Later, John showed us a Humvee equipped with a BGM-71 TOW (Also known as Humvee Level 2) and a Bradley Fighting Vehicle[1] (Known as the M2 Bradley).
  • In a Lego live stream, John confirmed that Armored Factory could be added quickly but did not do so as it wasn't a priority.
  • Armored Factory was formerly called War Factory.[1]
  • The tower was modeled by Satori after John Roblox decided that his own models were not good enough.[1]
  • This tower is the only tower (along with Operator) to have a unit share the name of another unit, that being bottom path Operator's Humvee.
  • There is a limit to how many of each Unit can be on the map/track at a time per Armored Factory.
  • Armored Factory was originally meant to have colored vehicles as skins, with the only confirmed original one being a pink M2 Bradley, but this later got scrapped as it got remodeled.

Update History[]

  • 8 March 2024
    • Armored Factory has been released.
  • 8 March 2024[2]
  • 12 March 2024
    • MRAP Damage Type changed: PierceBullet → Splash RadiusExplosive
  • 4 July 2024
    • Armored Factory has been nerfed.
  • 4 July 2024[3]
    • Armored Factory has been buffed.
      • Statistical Changes:
        • Level X-3
          • MRAP Reload Time decreased: Reload Time0.50s > Reload Time0.33s
  • 12 July 2024
  • 2 August 2024
    • Armored Factory has been rebalanced.
      • Statistical Changes:
  • 27 September 2024
    • Placement limit increased:
      • Quad: Placement Limit2 > Placement Limit3
  • 28 October 2024
    • Armored Factory has been buffed.
      • Level 5-X
        • Building's Health Increased: Health+1,000 -> Health+2,500
      • Level X-3
        • Cost decreased: Cash $9,500 -> Cash $8,500
        • Building's Health Increased: Health+100 -> Health+250
      • Level X-4
        • Building's Health Increased: Health+500 -> Health+2,000
      • Level X-5
        • Building's Health Increased: Health+2,000 -> Health+3,000


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 TDX Devlog #1 Armored Factory Tower | ROBLOX
  2. 4 hours later.
  3. ~2 hours later.
Store Unlock
Armored Factory
Ice Breaker
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