Tower Defense X Wiki

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Tower Defense X Wiki
Tower Defense X Wiki

A barracks that spawns troops to fight on the path! They stop to attack, and shoot through obstacles, and deal damage on collision!
- Store Description
A building that spawns in troops on the path!
- Former Store Description


Barracks is a spawner tower that spawns a Scout Level 0 on its base level. Units from the tower will stop to fire at enemies when they have detected one, but are unable to attack and have to move up if there is no individual space. Unlike towers, units cannot be buffed by support towers like EDJ and John, directly targeted by most bosses, and are not affected by line of sight, meaning that they are able to shoot through walls and all other obstacles. Units can also deal damage to enemies if they happen to collide into them based on their amount of HealthHealth. Any units spawned by the Barracks will die if the tower is sold or destroyed.


The Top Path for the Barracks grants its units Stealth DetectionStealth Detection, with the max level allowing it to spawn Rail Troopers that deal PierceLaser damage, allowing them to deal full damage to ArmorBullet Resistant enemies like the Revived Titan and Armored Runner.

The Bottom Path for the Barracks can spawn multiple units like M202 Troopers and Rioters, with the max level spawning Flamethrowers at the cost of its units lacking Stealth DetectionStealth Detection. This path is great for hordes but it will struggle with hordes of stealth enemies that will tend appear in modes like Elite Mode and Expert Mode, unless they are unstealthed by towers like Sniper and Laser Gunner.

COST: Cash $300
COST: Cash $700
Assault Class
COST: Cash $1,600
Spec Ops
COST: Cash $3,800
Rail Trooper
COST: Cash $20,000
  • Buff Rail Trooper | 600 HP | 133 DPS | 2 every 60 seconds
  • Health +800 Health

Troop Training
COST: Cash $125
  • DPS Reduce All Spawn Intervals: 0 → 6
  • Health +100 Health
Veteran Training
COST: Cash $250
  • DPS Reduce All Spawn Intervals: 6 → 13
  • Health +100 Health
M202 Trooper
COST: Cash $3,250
  • Buff M202 Trooper | 100 HP | 20 DPS | 1 every 59 seconds
  • Health +100 Health
COST: Cash $5,250
  • Buff Rioter | 275 HP | 30 DPS | 1 every 12 seconds
  • Health +400 Health
COST: Cash $12,000
  • Buff Flamethrower | 325 HP | 208 DPS | 1 every 47 seconds
  • Health +400 Health


Scout0 Scout1 Scout2 Scout3 Scout4 Railtrooper
Scout Level 0 Scout Level 1 Scout Level 2 Scout Level 3 Scout Level 4 Rail Trooper
M202 Trooper Rioter Flamethrower

Stats Table[]

Level Total Cost Health Units
0-0 Cash $325 Health500
Scout Level 0 | Health15 | DPS3.0 | 1 every 55s
1-0 Cash $625 Health600
Scout Level 1 | Health20 | DPS2.5 | 2 every 55s
2-0 Cash $1,325 Health700
Scout Level 2 | Health25 | DPS4.1 | 2 every 55s
3-0 Cash $2,925 Health800
Scout Level 3 | Health40 | DPS7.2 | 2 every 55s
4-0 Cash $6,725 Health1,200
Scout Level 4 | Health85 | DPS16.3 | 3 every 55s
5-0 Cash $26,725 Health2,000
Scout Level 4 | Health85 | DPS16.3 | 3 every 55s
Rail Trooper | Health600 | DPS133.3 | 2 every 60s
Level Total Cost Health Units
0-0 Cash $325 Health500
Scout Level 0 | Health15 | DPS3.0 | 1 every 55s
0-1 Cash $450 Health600
Scout Level 0 | Health15 | DPS3.0 | 1 every 49s
0-2 Cash $700 Health700
Scout Level 0 | Health15 | DPS3.0 | 1 every 42s
0-3 Cash $3,950 Health800
Scout Level 0 | Health15 | DPS3.0 | 1 every 42s
M202 Trooper | Health100 | DPS20.0 | 1 every 59s
0-4 Cash $9,200 Health1,200
Scout Level 0 | Health15 | DPS3.0 | 1 every 42s
M202 Trooper | Health100 | DPS20.0 | 1 every 59s
Rioter | Health275 | DPS30.0 | 1 every 12s
0-5 Cash $21,200 Health1,600
Scout Level 0 | Health15 | DPS3.0 | 1 every 42s
M202 Trooper | Health100 | DPS20.0 | 1 every 59s
Rioter | Health275 | DPS30.0 | 1 every 12s
Flamethrower | Health325 | DPS208.3 | 1 every 47s
Level Total Cost Health Units
0-0 Cash $325 Health500
Scout Level 0 | Health15 | DPS3.0 | 1 every 55s
1-1 Cash $750 Health700
Scout Level 1 | Health20 | DPS2.5 | 2 every 49s
2-2 Cash $1,700 Health900
Scout Level 2 | Health25 | DPS4.1 | 2 every 42s
Level Total Cost Health Units
3-2 Cash $3,300 Health1,000
Scout Level 3 | Health40 | DPS7.2 | 2 every 42s
4-2 Cash $7,100 Health1,400
Scout Level 4 | Health85 | DPS16.3 | 3 every 42s
5-2 Cash $27,100 Health2,200
Scout Level 4 | Health85 | DPS16.3 | 3 every 42s
Rail Trooper | Health600 | DPS133.3 | 2 every 47s
Level Total Cost Health Units
2-3 Cash $4,950 Health1,000
Scout Level 2 | Health25 | DPS4.1 | 2 every 42s
M202 Trooper | Health100 | DPS20.0 | 1 every 59s
2-4 Cash $10,200 Health1,400
Scout Level 2 | Health25 | DPS4.1 | 2 every 42s
M202 Trooper | Health100 | DPS20.0 | 1 every 59s
Rioter | Health275 | DPS30.0 | 1 every 12s
2-5 Cash $22,200 Health1,800
Scout Level 2 | Health25 | DPS4.1 | 2 every 42s
M202 Trooper | Health100 | DPS20.0 | 1 every 59s
Rioter | Health275 | DPS30.0 | 1 every 12s
Flamethrower | Health325 | DPS208.3 | 1 every 47s


To see all the upgrades of a skin, see the gallery page.

RecolourVariantsBarracksShopIcon TBBarracks
Skin Barracks Recolors Tower Battles
Rarity Common - Uncommon Exclusive
Obtainment Method Basic Crate Tower Battles Event


  • Like other spawners, don't place Barracks in valuable positions (such as corners) as it can be placed anywhere without losing effectiveness and it has a large footprint.
    • It should be noted that no support tower's buffs other than the EDJ's discount and sellback bonus do not work on spawned units.
  • While being a great early-mid game tower, it should not be your main source of damage. It's better used as supporting damage for your main defense.
  • Please note that in gamemodes like Endless and Nightmare that due to their low DPS and low health that Barracks is more dead weight in the late game as enemies like Revived Mutated Zombie and Boss 4 have too much health to be dealt with by the Barracks' units.
    • The Laser Gunner and Sniper’s bottom path stealth reveal abilities are useful when you have a bottom path Barracks, as it allows them to target and damage them.
  • Barracks is very effective when it is used in maps with loops such as Ancient Sky Island, as most units can see the across lanes.
  • It's best to have an equal amount of both paths.
  • The M202 Trooper and Flamethrower can be used against bullet-resistant enemies as they do not deal bullet damage, making them useful in Intermediate Mode.
  • The Flamethrower is extremely powerful against crowds due to the fire having insane pierce and dealing high DPS.
    • However, it is quite slow compared to the other units and often has to be supported by other units and towers to be used effectively. Otherwise, it can die very easily to most enemies.
    • Some enemies are also resistant to fire, reducing its damage and effectiveness against them.
  • Fast enemies such as the Abominations and Mutated Zombies are often too fast for the units to kill and (for fast enemies in the late game) usually have high health to kill. Thus, fast-firing or high range towers like the top path Ranger, Sniper and Juggernaut should be brought to assist in clearing them.
  • Stealth enemies can be a big issue for Barracks as only the Scout Level 4 and Rail Trooper, both on the Top Path, can detect them, meaning the early Scouts and the entirety of the Bottom Path will be unable to attack them directly. The only way for said units to damage them is through collision.
    • Rioter can also handle them due to predominantly relying on collision damage which ignores stealth detection and having the shortest spawn cooldown, as well as having a lot of health.
    • Other towers should be brought to help deal with stealth enemies, particularly the Laser Gunner.
    • Even if the Bottom Path units cannot attack stealth enemies, damage through collision can chip away at their health, which can help the other stealth detecting towers.
  • Save money and upgrade all the Barracks at once, as the scouts perform better rallied than alone and the upgrades resets the spawn cooldown.


  • Barracks is one of the first towers to change its placement limit based on the players that are in the match, the other being Armored Factory.
  • Barracks is one of six Spawners, with the other five being the Armored Factory, Behemoth, War Machine, Z.E.D., and Relic.
  • This tower was unreleased until December 1st, 2023.
  • The Rail Trooper is most likely inspired by the Zone Troopers from Command and Conquer Tiberius universe.
  • Despite the 3-X and 4-X portraits shown equipped with FN SCAR-H even on the trailer, Scout Level 3 and Scout Level 4 still use G36C in-game.
  • These units actually are not the first to be added, since Operator already spawns a Humvee when maxed on its bottom path and it was released earlier.
  • John has said that the Barracks Scout was canonically (and allegedly) named "Jeff", although this is not demonstrated in game.
  • The Barrack on launch was the reason why the map difficulty of Ancient Sky Island was nerfed from Easy to Simple. This was because Barracks, by itself, could entirely beat this map on all difficulties, which was heavily unbalanced at the time.
    • The Simple map difficulty was also created for this reason.
  • There is a limit to how many of each Unit can be on the map/track at a time per Barracks.
  • Barracks is currently the only spawner tower to have its units' behavior changed, as before units would stack, but this was later changed as it made maps like Cow Annoyance and Ancient Sky Island extremely easy.

Update History[]

  • 1 December 2023
    • The Barracks has been released.
  • 2 December 2023
  • 10 December 2023
    • New Skins: Recolors
  • 6 January 2024
    • All troops die when the parent tower is sold.
  • 7 January 2024
    • Statistical Changes:
    • Placement Limit reduced Placement Limit4 > Placement Limit3.
  • 23 February 2024
    • Statistical Changes:
    • Units spawned from the Barracks must now have individual space on the path in order to attack. If there is no space, they will keep walking forward until there is.
    • Placement Limit increased and is now dependent on player count:
      • Solo: Placement Limit3 > Placement Limit7
      • Duo: Placement Limit3 > Placement Limit6
      • Trio: Placement Limit3 > Placement Limit5
      • Quad: Placement Limit3 > Placement Limit4
    • Level 5-X
  • 12 July 2024
  • 2 August 2024
  • 2 November 2024
    • Barracks has been buffed.
      • Base Level
        • Building's Health Increased: Health+100 -> Health+500
  • 29 November 2024
    • The Rail Trooper now has Stun Immunity Stun Immunity.
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Armored Factory
Ice Breaker
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