Tower Defense X Wiki

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Tower Defense X Wiki
Tower Defense X Wiki


Towers are an essential part of the game. They are the main way of interacting with zombies, with the other option being power-ups.

There are 2 paths to upgrade for each tower, the "top" path and "bottom" path. Each path has their own unique benefits and specialties but drawbacks as well, so it is recommended to use both paths. It is recommended to upgrade towers instead of spamming them, as generally upgraded towers are more effective than spammed towers.

What towers are currently the best?[]

Knowing which towers work well in the meta at the time will help you grind better. To figure out what tower would be best for you to go for next, you should account for two things:

  1. Your progress; e.g Levels, Skill, and Coins.
  2. Current state of the Meta.

A lot of the time course, the best towers are endgame powerhouses such as Warship or Helicopter; options that are flashy and strong. However, these towers are normally greatly expensive to obtain, and it thus may be more your worth to buy lower towers to assist in your grind before opting for such towers.

Balance Changes are another thing to account for. Updates to towers are fairly common, especially if an option is perceived too "overpowered" or "underpowered" by the community or John, so it is recommended to keep an eye on changelogs to account for tower changes.

Extra Tips[]

It is suggested to use Strategies made by the community, at first glance it might seem not like much, but using a variety of strategies that are up to date can you give you a new perspective on them, allowing you to understand which towers work best in each Gamemode.

What towers should you get first?[]

In a game including a variety of towers, from all shapes and sizes, it can get difficult to know which towers you should obtain first, before the rest. Remember, do not buy Skins, Emotes[1], Power-Ups[2] or Vending Machine consumables as they're purely cosmetic and a waste of gold or extremely expensive and one time use in the case of Power-ups. Purchase skins and Emotes once you have finished getting most if not all the towers.

The most Newbie-Friendly towers, currently, are; Operator, Shotgunner, Patrol Boat, Barracks, Missile Trooper, and Farm.

  • Operator and Shotgunner can easily handle hordes, and deal moderate to heavy damage over time, they also have their own abilities, which is a key part of the game play, as many of the towers during the end game have their own abilities. These two can help in terms of micro-ing abilities and increasing your reaction time for later parts of the game.
  • The Patrol Boat and Barracks are special towers, both being map dependent. The first will teach you about water towers, an ever growing concept in the game, these towers can only be placed on water, and be aware that certain maps do not include any water in them. The latter, Barracks, is a pure summoner tower, be aware that it excels in long maps with curves, but not in short and more straighter maps.
  • Missile Trooper is one of the best towers to obtain in the earlier stages of the game progression, the Missile Trooper deals good damage, and crowd controls, whilst also bypassing bullet resistance. Additionally, 5-X proves to be good Boss Killer DPS with it's main target damage bonus. Thus, Missile Trooper is a good early general tower for all gamemodes except endless.
  • The Farm gives you money per wave, it can teach you money management over time, and it is a great tower all around in all Gamemodes. It remains used in almost all gamemodes due to it being one of two main economy towers, with the other being the Mobster's bottom path.

Don't let the recommendations scare you away from buying other towers first though. Every tower has its purpose, so feel free to experiment.

How should I build my loadout?[]

A good loadout is essential to beating harder modes, but you do not need a full loadout to beat Intermediate or Elite. Regardless, a good template to follow is:

  • A solid starter tower for early on in the game (Shotgunner, Laser Gunner, Operator, Golden Ranger, etc.)
  • A strong splash damage tower for taking out hordes. (Missile Trooper/Artillery/Slammer)
  • Farm. (A tower that will allow you to get expensive upgrades for other towers by providing cash)
  • Utility tower. (Use EDJ/John or another tower like Barracks)
  • Your DPS/Boss Killing tower. Golden Juggernaut/Railgunner which are both good against single targets and final bosses.
    • The normal Juggernaut can also fill in the role of both towers if you don't have them, but do note the lack ofArmour Penetration Ignore Bullet Resistance and its short range, which can be remedied by the Laser Gunner and EDJ respectively.
  • Note that some towers fall into multiple categories. John is both a late-game support tower (with the top path ability) and a good starter tower.

Note that most of the examples given for each category do not apply to Endless Mode, as this mode has much higher requirement for performance, refer to the main article for a proper template.


As in every Tower Defense game on Roblox, TDX contains an assortment of gamemodes. Gamemodes are the central aspect of the gameplay, each becoming harder and harder depending on your choice. There are 4 main gamemodes currently available in game: Easy, Intermediate, Elite, and Expert, with one other being Endless. Each gamemode contains a set of enemies, waves, and new systems to go along with it.


Easy Mode is the easiest mode in the game, having weak enemies and being generally slow. This gamemode is ideal for new players to learn tower placements and basic strategies. This gamemode also introduces one of the first and most important enemy attributes: stealth. This attribute makes it so that enemies cannot be detected by regular means, only by towers with Stealth DetectionStealth Detection. This gamemode is the standard tower defense experience; it is not too different from the many other tower defense games on the platform. Easy Mode can be soloed by any tower. Even Ranger can be in solo easy Mode, depending on the map. Maps like Oil Rig, Ancient Sky Island or Apocalypse can be easily soloed, whereas Chalet or Military Harbor may require better towers or a different strategy.


Intermediate Mode takes things up a notch by including Resistances and generally stronger enemies. The only resistances appearing in this gamemode are Armor Bullet Resistance and Explosion Immunity Explosive Resistance. Certain enemies' resistances vary, so keep that in mind. This gamemode also introduces another core part of the game, the tower health system. From wave 29, you will encounter the first mini-boss, The Predator, who can damage and kill your towers. Later, towers dying will become much more common in other gamemodes. Enemies will start to be faster, and Multipliers will start to spawn. Do not mistake them as the typical RNG or breaker enemies, as they will multiply enemies nearby by a certain amount when killed whilst speeding them up. Multiplied Enemies have the No cashNo Cash modifier, meaning they are unable to give cash to the player(s). Multipliers are also immune to being frozen by Cryo Blaster. However, they typically do not affect bosses or mini-bosses; players can use tower targeting to avoid killing these enemies.


Elite Mode is the next gamemode on the list, being a harder version of Easy Mode. This gamemode doesn't take much time to beat but quickly ramps up in difficulty around the mid-late game. Enemies are stealthed more often, and hordes frequently appear. It is highly advised not to bring Farm in this game mode, as the cash received by damaging enemies should give you more than enough to let you upgrade your defenses. This gamemode also introduces another core part of the gameplay: special enemy properties, the main one being No cash No Cash. Enemies with this property will not give you any cash upon damage. Crowd controlling towers, such as Shotgunner or Grenadier, are recommended to take care of hordes of enemies past Wave 20. As for the boss, it is recommended that towers such as Missile Trooper and Sniper and/or Laser Gunner be brought to take care of its summons. It is also good to know that Multipliers will spawn more frequently in Elite and Expert Mode. Stronger Multipliers will also spawn later on.


Expert Mode is currently the second hardest beatable main gamemode in the game, with it being a more challenging version of Intermediate Mode, having difficult waves which could easily overwhelm you and cause you to lose with many late game enemies appeared in earlier gamemodes spawning in early on. This gamemode, similar to Elite Mode, reuses numerous enemies from previous gamemodes, such as the Revived Abomination, and thus introduces little variety to the roster of enemies. Do not be fooled by this, as these small additions are known to be annoying and deadly later on, such as the Elite Grenadier. The economy in this gamemode isn't good in the early game; however, during the late game, you will gain a lot of money from purely damaging enemies, but bringing the Farm for the mid-game is still recommended.

Another problem that will become apparent in this gamemode is Multiplier (Disambiguation) and the boss waves. Most problematic enemies not only have Bullet Resistance and spawn in large quantities but also appear stealthed, making towers like the Laser Gunner and Missile Trooper essential to beating Expert Mode because they can ignore bullet resistance and detect stealthed enemies. However, the latter is affected byExplosion Immunity Explosive Resistance. Multipliers themselves will also appear frequently, significantly increasing the amount of damage required to defeat the enemies in many waves. Wave 30 and 40 include 3 Stealthed Predators and the Eradicator MK II, respectively, both of which can kill your towers and endure a lot of damage. It is recommended that strong towers, such as the Juggernaut or Railgunner, be brought to deal with these bosses. Juggernauts are decent in most waves and boss waves; bringing the Railgunner is also suitable for quickly taking out the Eradicator MK II and dealing with enemies that slip by your Juggernauts and Laser Gunners. Both have a hefty amount of health, enabling them to tank the Eradicator's attacks.


Endless Mode is the latest gamemode added (not including events), and currently the hardest, most demanding, and time-consuming out of all of the standard gamemodes the game currently has to offer. Waves 1-40 include many new enemies with a variety of resistances. Due to this, it is good to take a variety of towers that can counter them, ignore resistances, or take care of them quickly. Boss-wise, all 4 main bosses, Plague Doctor, Eradicator, Revived Plague Doctor, and Eradicator MK II, will appear. Beyond Wave 40, you will enter a whole new set of enemies and Endless exclusive bosses that spawn every 10 waves, all having weapons and abilities that can destroy your towers in seconds. Those bosses are Eradicator MK IV, Eradicator MK I Combat, Apex Predator, and Calamity. Mini-bosses such as the Avatar and Eradidog will also appear during your run. Having end-game towers, such as the Golden Juggernaut, Warship, and XWM Turret, is a must if you want to advance past Wave 130. Despite the mode's name, it actually ends on wave 201, where an infinite horde of Endbringers will, as their name suggests, end your run.

Suggested Loadouts[]

Shotgun Shell[]

Shotgun Shell consists of a basic, forward, cheap, and effective duo of the Shotgunner and Ranger. It is first recommended to use Shotgunner early on, as it can quickly shred enemies, speeding up the gameplay, later on, a group of Rangers can easily take out the Plague Doctor. For a higher chance of winning, it is good to place down bottom path Rangers as well, due to their grenade ability, they can easily take out hordes, and Plague Doctor's summons, as well as bottom path Shotgunners purely for unstunning your towers whenever the Plague Doctor stuns your towers.[3]

First Second
Shotgun Shell RangerNew ShotgunnerBase

Round 'About[]

Round 'About carries over the required towers needed in easy mode, combining them with other, more advanced ones to ensure you're safety in Intermediate mode. For early game, it is recommended to use Operator, or Ranger to take out smaller hordes of enemies, and bullet resistant enemies as well. Farming should start around the wave 5-10 mark, if you feel confident in your defense, you can start faster. The Missile Trooper will be your pack-a-punch, using it against bosses and strong enemies is a must to surviving in Intermediate mode. A group of 15-25 Missile Troopers late game can kill both the Predator and Eradicator, two of this gamemode's main threats, it is also good to note that a top path shotgunner can heal 30% of nearby tower's maximum health upon use, making it great for keeping up your defense under pressure.[4]

Metal Muncher[]

Metal Muncher swaps out the Ranger for the patient, yet powerful, Mine Layer. This loadout is recommended to be used on decently long maps, if you ever felt like the bosses were too much, you got 2 towers to back you up. Most towers should still be used for their respective purpose, and Shotgunner can also be used to heal up your towers to make them constantly active. One problem is going to be the bullet resistant enemies that appear early on, you can manage your farming to get a missile trooper to handle them, Which often than not, proves to be effective even on base level.[5]


Farlands is most map dependent out of the other two, including both the Barracks and Patrol Boat, these two together should be used in a decently long map with water. They can easily destroy the early to mid game, and can even kill the bosses on their own if used carefully. Grenadier can be used if the map has no water, it by itself is known to be both a crowd control tower and staller, it is mostly made for hordes of enemies but not bosses.[6]

First Second Third Fourth Fifth
Round 'About RangerNew ShotgunnerBase Operator Missile trooper Farm
Metal Muncher Minelayer ShotgunnerBase Operator Missile trooper Farm
Farlands Barracks new ShotgunnerBase Patrol boat Grenadier Shop Icon Farm

First Second Third Fourth Fifth Sixth
Scouting Squad Barracks new Grenadier Shop Icon ShotgunnerBase Missile trooper Patrol boat Sniper
Crowd Control Barracks new Missile trooper Patrol boat Grenadier Shop Icon Sentry1 Toxicnator in inventory
Tone Deaf Barracks new Missile trooper Patrol boat EDJIconNew or JohnNew Laser gunner Toxicnator in inventory

First Second Third Fourth Fifth Sixth
W.A.L.L Barracks new Laser gunner EDJIconNew Toxicnator in inventory JuggernautNew Farm
Death Monuments ArmoredFactoryIcon Laser gunner JohnNew Toxicnator in inventory Railgunner Farm
Skull Crusher ArmoredFactoryIcon JuggernautNew EDJIconNew Grenadier Shop Icon Railgunner Farm

Special Enemy Properties[]

There are currently 4 special enemy properties. Stealth DetectionStealth, ArmorArmor, ShieldShield, and No cashNo Cash.

Stealth DetectionStealth is a property which makes it so towers without the ability to detect stealth cannot attack it. This can be countered by upgrading your towers, although some towers may not have stealth detection on one path or even at all. Some towers also have base stealth detection like the Laser Gunner or can at least damage/attack stealth enemies from Level 0-0, like the Artillery and Barracks[7]. Any enemy can become stealthed, including mini-bosses and bosses, those being the Predator and Eradicator MK-II. Some abilities can reveal stealth enemies permanently or temporarily, with the former from the Laser Gunner's ability and the latter being from the Warship and Sniper's abilities.

ArmorArmor is a property which makes an Enemy resist damage by the indicated amount in % (85%, 92%, etc.) of a particular damage type (ArmorBullet, Explosion ImmunityExplosion, etc.) There are currently 7 damage types and their respective resistances, those being ArmorBullet, Explosion ImmunityExplosion, Freeze immunityFreeze, Laser ImmunityLaser, Fire ImmunityFire, MeleeResistanceMelee and CollisionImmunityCollision, with Laser and Melee currently being exclusive to Endless Mode and Events respectively, and Collision not being shown and being exclusive to bosses and the Avatar. Armor can be countered by using a tower that either deals a type of damage not resisted by an enemy or by upgrading certain towers to ignore resistances (such as the Ranger's Assault loadout upgrade or the Juggernaut's Power Minigun upgrade).

No cashNo Cash is a property which makes an enemy not provide any cash when damaged. This is most commonly seen on enemies spawned by others, such as the the groups spawned by Grenadiers, and enemies multiplied by Multipliers, such as the Multiplier 2. This property is used by enemies to act as a meat shield for its allies without giving cash to the player(s). There is no counter to this property, although splash towers can somewhat bypass it by damaging normal enemies around the enemy with the No Cash attribute.

ShieldShield is a property that gives enemies extra health, which is mostly exclusive to Endless Mode. While an enemy has Shield, no cash will be gained when damaging it. On Endless Mode, the amount of shield and shielded enemies will get exponentially higher as the waves progress, to the point of comprising most of an enemy's HP in certain waves.

Enemy Progression[]

As you keep playing the game, enemies and wave structures will evolve along with the difficulty you have chosen. It is recommended to understand enemy types so you can develop a good defense strategy for each difficulty.


  • Learning to counter enemy types can help build your loadout and strategies that can make grinding easier and more consistent.
  • Good tower placements are key to ensuring your towers can deal as much damage for as long as possible to enemies in range.
  • Make sure to focus on upgrading certain towers to deal with harder waves.
  • Managing your money effectively allows you to get even more money and good upgrades on towers to kill enemies while not leaking any of them.
  • Learn the most efficient ways to get gold & XP. Whilst Endless Mode awards them in bulk, Expert Mode is capable of giving the same amount of gold/XP, in less or the same amount of time. Newer players should start out small playing the easier gamemodes and maps, and gradually progress through harder Gamemodes and Maps.
  • Insight, both from the wiki and other people, helps develop ideas on how to use towers and come up with good strategies.
  • The most important thing to keep in mind: Play for fun, if you don't feel like you're enjoying the grind anymore, take a break.
Mechanics Tower Mechanics
Enemy Mechanics
Map Mechanics


  1. Maybe excluding Stock Shuffle, as it can be used to clip into the Hard Maps area early. Not Recommended.
  2. Able to be obtained without having to pay Gold for them by simply completing games, plus mostly expensive.
  3. Total Cost: 450
  4. Total Cost: 5900
  5. Total Cost: 7350
  6. Total Cost: 9900
  7. Unit's Contact Damage only, Gains Stealth Detection at 4-X.