Tower Defense X Wiki

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Tower Defense X Wiki
Tower Defense X Wiki
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Cow Annoyance is a map in Tower Defense X made by archmaestros. This map is both extremely small and has many obstructions to your towers’ range in the form of cow cardboard cutouts. The map is a simple loop that branches off at a point to the base.


The map takes place in a place that looks like a farm, it has cardboard cutouts, which stretch out for miles, there are multiple boxes and mud puddles in this map, it has a house near to the side, and another one on top of a hill.


  • The small intersection where the loop and the path to the base meet is a good place to put high DPS towers, being one of the few unobstructed spots where Enemies constantly flow.
  • The Artillery, XWM Turret, and spawned unit from spawner towers like Relic and Barracks can ignore the obstacles that make the map difficult.

Interactive Map[]


  • This map is known for being one of the first maps nerfed due to ease-of-grinding. This was due to the initial release of Barracks, the first consistent spawner tower. As units ignore sightlines, grinding Elite Mode on this map became a popular strategy with the introduction of this tower.
    • The general popularity of grinding on this map caused it to be removed with the 2023 XMAS Event, later to be reintroduced with the XMAS Nightmare update a few days later, albeit the difficulty was moved to normal.
      • This makes Cow Annoyance the first non-event map to get removed from the game.
    • Despite the difficulty being changed to Normal solely because of Barracks, there were no changes done to make the map easier, making it the hardest "Normal" map as there are obstacles that are in large quantities compared to all other Normal maps.
  • It is possible to walk off the map, as there are no invisible walls.
  • The fire seen on the outskirts of the map has an invisible collision box.
  • The cows are a reference to the Cow Cutouts from Team Fortress 2.

Update History[]

  • 21 November 2023
    • Cow Annoyance is added alongside the game.
  • 23 December 2023
    • Cow Annoyance is removed from the map queue.
  • 7 January 2024
    • Cow Annoyance is added back to from the map queue.
    • Difficulty changed: Hard > Normal
      • Towers can no longer be placed on top of barrels.
Regular Simple
Event XMAS 2023
April Fools' 2024
Tower Battles
Halloween 2024
XMAS 2024
Removed Hard