The Cryo Helicopter is an offensive support tower capable of freezing enemies. As most other event towers it only has one path and will only be available for a limited time. It is an airborne tower with the ability to move anywhere on the map, but cannot receive any buffs. It is intended to freeze 1 or up to 3 enemies at a time. It can be obtained on tier 17 of the 2024 XMAS Event event pass or for 2250.
At base level, Cryo Helicopter gains Stun Immunity. At level 1, it gains Stealth Detection. At level 4, it can hit up to 3 targets instead of 2. At level 2, enemies previously frozen by Cryo Helicopter gain a permanent 25% Speed Reduction. At level 3, enemies will take 10% more damage when Frozen and Cryo Helicopter gains a passive ability to fire rockets that deal 25 DPS and freeze enemies, which deal further damage and freeze more at levels 4 and 5. At level 5, Cryo Helicopter can now freeze bosses and ignore ice resistance on enemies.
The Cryo Helicopter can be used along with the Cryo Blast to freeze bosses indefinitely.
Cryo Helicopter shouldn't be used as your primary DPS tower. Though it can move anywhere and is capable of dealing damage at base level unlike Cryo Blaster, it can only hit two targets at a time and is very costly for the DPS it provides.
Due to its map-wide coverage, Cryo Helicopter can get much more usage on longer maps.
However, Cryo Helicopter is also extremely useful on short maps. Its incredibly high freeze amount can quickly halt dangerous enemies and bosses which is necessary to beat the shortest maps in the game on the highest difficulties.
Since the Cryo Helicopter makes towers deal more damage without directly buffing them (by making enemies take more damage), it pairs extremely well with towers like Helicopter, Warship, and XWM Turret.
Additionally, the enemy vulnerability can be stacked with more traditional buffs such as John's Rage or Medic's Kritz. Damage buffs don't stack (with the exception of the Commander), but since the Cryo Helicopter debuffs enemies rather than buffing towers, it still has an effect on the DPS towers being buffed.
Beware that if the Cryo Helicopter dies, the ensuing explosion will freeze towers, which can be very annoying or outright detrimental.