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You may be looking for Fortress Snowlyn Gate.
Event Content
Event Content
This was part of the 2024 XMAS Event. As of 31/1/25, the event has concluded.


Fortress Snowlyn is an event map for Part 2 of the 2024 XMAS Event and players can only play Christmas II and Christmas II Nightmare on it. Similar to Halloween III and Halloween IV, it has multiple lanes and features Fortress Snowlyn Gate as the objective players have to defend.


The Fortress Snowlyn is a winter themed map. It takes place in a GDA Fortress built in an arctic region, surrounded by a forest. There are 2 lines of walls paving a pathway from the forest to the fortress, outside the walls are decayed environments due to the harsh weather of the region. The fortress features a few fortified towers on each side of the wall, an electric tube between the 2 lines of walls on the right side, flashlight towers and a gate blocking the entrance to the facility. There is also a giant artillery cannon, and a radar mounted on top of the fortress.


  • Due to being a Defend the Objective map and having a large number of enemies possessing ranged attacks, Medic is vital to keeping the frontline alive.
  • Humanoid spawner towers, specifically Relic, Mobster and Barracks can provide good support with their units.
    • Relic and Barrack bases should be placed outside of the wall so enemies cannot destroy them.
  • High range towers such as bottom path XWM Turret are pivotal due to the long nature of the map.
  • Repairing the Fortress Snowlyn Gate should be done as much as possible, as you will need all the base health you can get to tank attacks from enemies and bosses.

Interactive Map[]



Dr. Xenon: Long thought to be extinct, I... revived General Celgar.
Dr. Xenon: Something the Advisor didn't want me to do.
Dr. Xenon: I was naive.
Dr. Xenon: I could have saved him, you know.
Dr. Xenon: But it doesn't matter anymore.
Dr. Xenon: The GDA is weak.
Dr. Xenon: I was weak.
Dr. Xenon: But I am not weak.
Dr. Xenon: I WILL have my vengeance.


Dr. Xenon: Fine, I don't need those power crystals anyway,
Dr. Xenon: and I certainly don't need to infiltrate some pathetic base to get my hands on them.
Dr. Xenon: Frosty's army was a disappointment,
Dr. Xenon: just like you.
Dr. Xenon: Good luck staying alive, Commander, You're gonna need it.


  • This is the first map in the game to have towers already placed down, being 3-X Sentries.
    • If you click on the tower itself, it says the owner is "Workspace"
  • From Dr. Xenon's dialogue in Christmas II Nightmare, she was the person responsible for designing this fortress. The dialogue being ""... I want to crush the GDA so much, just to avenge him. I am willing to do anything to quench my thirst for revenge. Even if that means destroying this ENTIRE BASE I DESIGNED."
  • Players can place towers outside of the walls. Placing spawner towers outside are recommended as they will not be targeted by most enemies.

Update History[]

  • 7 January 2025
    • The Fortress Snowlyn map has been released as a part of Christmas II update.
Regular Simple
Event XMAS 2023
April Fools' 2024
Tower Battles
Halloween 2024
XMAS 2024
Removed Hard