Tower Defense X Wiki

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Tower Defense X Wiki
Tower Defense X Wiki
Event Content
Event Content
This was part of the 2024 Halloween Event. As of 19/12/2024, the event has concluded.


Hellspire is the event map for Chapter III of the 2024 Halloween Event, and players can only play Chapter III and Chapter III Nightmare on it. This is a large map, but it features 15 lanes and a unique base and enemy system introduced alongside the map.

Design and Path[]

Hellspire is an apocalypse themed map. It takes place on a floating chunk of land, presumably taken from a highway due to destroyed traffic signs and fences. Destroyed rock statues create obstacles in the far ends of the map. Near the player spawn in a back end of the map, there is a artillery emplacement aimed at a spire.

Enemies would spawn on one of 15 paths outside of the rock and make their way over to the Artillery Emplacement, attacking it when they were close enough. Unlike other maps however, they directly attack the base instead of subtracting health based on how much health they have, allowing players to kill them instead of letting them go. In addition, towers would be attacked in the same way if they blocked the path the enemy is taking. Bosses take an alternate path that roams around the outside of the base, attacking the artillery from a distance and trampling towers instead.

It is possible to repair the GDA Artillery by interacting with a proximity prompt while near. This allows for players to recover from damage by attacking enemies.


  • Medic is not that useful unless you have Golden Juggernaut with 10k health cap on max upgrade which allows it to act as a solid tank, but other than that, most units don't have that much health and would most likely just get overwhelmed by the enemies, or one shotted/be trampled on by the bosses.
  • Due to the unique layout of the map, at least 7 top path Barracks' can easily clear waves of enemies even by itself from Waves 1-2.
  • XWM Turret is a very strong tower to have in this map due to its ability to ignore enemy resistances, high health, rebuild passive, and most importantly is its capability to attack flying units, which makes it possible to solo Nightmare mode on its own albeit with some difficulty. [2]
  • At Waves 5 and 6, make sure to spam a lot of decoys such as John or Scarecrow to bait the attacks from the tanks and bosses or else your whole frontline could get wiped out, especially in Nightmare mode where enemies has higher damage than normal.
  • You can hold F and open chat to automatically heal the artillery as long as you're near it, allowing you to heal the objective and manage your towers at the same time.
  • Repairing the GDA Artillery should be done as much as possible, as you will need all the base health you can get from the various enemies and bosses.

Interactive Map[]


  • This is the first map to utilize a Defend the Objective gamemode.
  • This is the first map to have an object that players can directly heal.
  • This map shares the same Portal as the Scorched Passage map, albeit purple on this map.

Update History[]

  • 2 November 2024
    • Hellspire has been added as part of Chapter III of the 2024 Halloween Event.
  • 4 November 2024
    • Proximity prompt input for the GDA Artillery changed from E to F on keyboard due to interfering with the Top Path upgrade keybind.
  • 6 November 2024
    • Bugfix: The players can no longer stack repair interactions by leaving.
Regular Simple
Event XMAS 2023
April Fools' 2024
Tower Battles
Halloween 2024
XMAS 2024
Removed Hard
  1. 1.0 1.1 There are 15 lanes of varying lengths.