As an event tower, the Ice Breaker only has one path. At level 0, she is capable of dealing extra damage to frozen enemies. Level 1 grants her burst attack. She permanently reduces the speed of zombies at level 2 along with being able to Target additional enemies. At max level, she has 2 abilities, Ice Shard and Snow Storm. the first ability spawns an Ice Shard that acts as a 1,250 Health barricade when placed on the path, upon getting destroyed it will explode dealing ice damage and applying huge freeze amount to nearby enemies, the ice shard ignores ice resistance and can freeze bosses. The second ability creates an aura around the Ice Breaker that applies 100 freeze amount per second to all enemies within the aura's range.
The Ice Breaker can be used as an early game tower due to its cheap cost, though do beware that its short range and slow swing speed means some enemies will bypass it. It also does not have stealth detection in any of its level, which may hinder its performance.
The Ice Breaker is great when placed near the entrance, as it will be able to freeze enemies quicker and prevent them from advancing further.
The freezing will be most useful when paired with slower firing towers like the Railgunner and Artillery, though it is a great utility overall, and can be combined with many towers.
The Ice Breaker is the second melee tower in the game, with the first being the Slammer (Not counting John’s bottom path ability).
The Ice Breaker is the first tower to deal extra damage on frozen enemies on her base level.
The Ice Breaker is the second event tower to be obtained by beating a game mode related to the event (in this case, Christmas II Nightmare), the first being the Cryo Ranger.
The unlock requirement for the Ice Breaker was different on release; At first players had to beat both Nightmare Part I and Part II of the 2024 XMAS Event solo and consecutively in 24 hours, but later was changed to only beating Nightmare Part II (solo or with team).
This was changed because of overwhelming negative feedback by the community, as it was considered too difficult of a task and required the player to own endgame towers. Forcing solo play made it almost impossible for players that do not have higher-end towers to succeed, and the consecutive winning under a 24 hour window did not help either.
The victory animation of the Ice Breaker is based on the Club Penguin dance.
The Ice Breaker's Ice Shard ability is able to freeze Void Apex Predator if there is enough summoned.