The M2 Bradley is a unit unlocked from the Armored Factory at 5-X. Aswell as bullets, the M2 Bradley uses missiles, with each missile doing 700 damage with a 9 second reload time between a 0.6 burst interval. The missiles also have huge range.
The M2 Bradley is a beige M2 Bradley with a BGM-71 TOW anti-tank missile launcher mounted on the turret's left side. It also armed with a 25mm M242 Bushmaster chain gun.
Using M2 Bradley on a map with a length of 246.81 studs will allow it to instantly respawn upon death. Any longer and the tower waits until the first Bradley is destroyed until it spawns the next, which reduces efficiency.
The M2 Bradley is the only Unit with two different ranges for each weapon.
This is the same vehicle that is used to travel to maps.