Tower Defense X Wiki

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Tower Defense X Wiki
Tower Defense X Wiki


Maps are locations that players can play gamemodes on. Players can access these in the lobby via the map queue areas. Maps can have obstructions that hinder your tower's line of sight, and these obstructions become more frequent the harder the difficulty of the map. Depending on the difficulty a map is rated as, players will either be rewarded more or less Gold Currency Gold and XP upon completing the mode. Completing a map on any core gamemode[1] for the first time will award you a medal.


Medals are a type of achievement that players can obtain by completing maps on either Easy Mode, Intermediate Mode, Elite Mode, or Expert Mode for the first time. Upon receiving a medal, players will gain 80% more gold as a bonus. This was added as a new way to grind for towers like Golden Ranger and Golden Juggernaut due to their costly prices. Other players can view your medal count when viewing your profile card.[2]

Map List

AnchorIcon FortSummitIcon HighriseIcon OilRigIcon
Map Anchor Fort Summit Highrise Oil Rig
Difficulty Simple Simple Simple Simple
OutpostForgeIcon ResearchBaseIcon
Map Outpost Forge Research Base
Difficulty Simple Simple
AncientSkyIslandIcon ApocalypseIcon BloxOutIcon JunctionIcon
Map Ancient Sky Island Apocalypse Blox Out Junction
Difficulty Easy Easy Easy Easy
MoonOutpostIcon SingularityIcon TreasureCoveIcon
Map Moon Outpost Singularity Treasure Cove
Difficulty Easy Easy Easy
AssemblyLineIcon ChaletIcon CowAnnoyanceIcon DangerBeachIcon
Map Assembly Line Chalet Cow Annoyance Danger Beach
Difficulty Normal Normal Normal Normal
GDIPortCityIcon HakureiShrineIcon LimboIcon MilitaryHarborIcon
Map GDI Port City Hakurei Shrine Limbo Military Harbor
Difficulty Normal Normal Normal Normal
PurgatoryIcon RouteIcon SecretForestIcon SimulationIcon
Map Purgatory Route Secret Forest Simulation
Difficulty Normal Normal Normal Normal
VaporCityIcon VinlandIcon
Map Vapor City Vinland
Difficulty Normal Normal
DeadEndValleyIcon GasStationIcon MisleadingPondIcon ObscureIslandIcon
Map Dead End Valley Gas Station Misleading Pond Obscure Island
Difficulty Hard Hard Hard Hard
ScorchedPassageIcon SFOTHIcon SorrowsHarborIcon Survival202Icon
Map Scorched Passage SFOTH Sorrows Harbor Survival 202
Difficulty Hard Hard Hard Hard
UnforgivingWinterIcon VolcanicMishapIcon WinterFortIcon
Map Unforgiving Winter Volcanic Mishap Winter Fort
Difficulty Hard Hard Hard
AsteroidIcon BaseplateIcon BladeWorksIcon DesertedIslandIcon
Map Asteroid Baseplate Blade Works Deserted Island
Difficulty Impossible Impossible Impossible Impossible
Map Santa's Stronghold
Difficulty Easy
BaseplateToiletIcon LavaWorldIcon SuperSecretForestIcon ToiletCityIcon
Map Baseplate Toilet Lava World Super Secret Forest Toilet City
Difficulty Easy Easy Hard Hard
Map The Really Long Map
Difficulty Hard
WesternIcon BorderlandsIcon MilitaryBaseIcon PondIcon
Map Western Borderlands Military Base Pond
Difficulty Simple Easy Normal Normal
Map Grasslands
Difficulty Hard
Calamity FactoriumIcon HellspireIcon RagnarokIcon
Map Calamity Factorium Hellspire Ragnarok
Difficulty Normal Normal Normal Normal
ArcticResearchBaseIcon FortressSnowlynIcon
Map Arctic Research Base Fortress Snowlyn
Difficulty Normal Normal
Map Carrier
Difficulty Hard

Map Bonuses

Map Difficulty Map Award Bonus (%) Reward upon winning
Simple Gold Currency -5% & -10% XP Gold Currency 225 & 1,754 XP (Easy)
Gold Currency 451 & 3,284 XP (Intermediate)
Gold Currency 665 & 3,330 XP (Elite)
Gold Currency 1,425 & 8,280 XP (Expert)
Easy Gold Currency +0% & +0% XP Gold Currency 250 & 1,949 XP (Easy)
Gold Currency 500 & 3,650 XP (Intermediate)
Gold Currency 700 & 3,700 XP (Elite)
Gold Currency 1,500 & 9,200 XP (Expert)
Normal Gold Currency +15% & +15% XP Gold Currency 287 & 2,241 XP (Easy)
Gold Currency 575 & 4,197 XP (Intermediate)
Gold Currency 805 & 4,255 XP (Elite)
Gold Currency 1,724 & 10,580 XP (Expert)
Hard Gold Currency +35% & +30% XP Gold Currency 338 & 2,534 XP (Easy)
Gold Currency 675 & 4,745 XP (Intermediate)
Gold Currency 945 & 4,810 XP (Elite)
Gold Currency 2,025 & 11,960 XP (Expert)
Impossible Gold Currency +65% & +50% XP Gold Currency 413 & 2,924 XP (Easy)
Gold Currency 825 & 5,475 XP (Intermediate)
Gold Currency 1,155 & 5,550 XP (Elite)
Gold Currency 2,475 & 13,800 XP (Expert)


Update History


  1. Excluding Endless Mode
  2. As of 12 October 2024, medals are still not correctly displayed.
Mechanics Tower Mechanics
Enemy Mechanics
Map Mechanics