Tower Defense X Wiki

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Tower Defense X Wiki
Tower Defense X Wiki


Misleading Pond is a long, Hard rated map, created by archmaestros. The track is more average in length, being 199.2 studs long which takes a Zombie 83 seconds to complete. Misleading Pond is arguably one of the easiest Hard maps because of it's path design and decent length.


Misleading Pond takes place on an island in assumingly the middle of some body of water, there is a lake in the middle-ish of the map that allows Patrol Boat to be used. The path is more like a sickle, with the handle extending toward the entrance. This map also has a large extension of water surrounding the island, allowing for the limited use of Warship.


  • Patrol Boat and Warship are really useful, as there are plenty of spots in the pond and a nearby ocean to place them and they can be used in all waves as a result.
    • Do note that at most, one or two warships are placable, accounting for the limited size of the ocean.
  • Barracks is a useful tower to bring as there is not many great spaces for other conventional towers and the map's long path means more units can spawn before an enemy reaches the base.
    • However, long ranged towers like the Sniper, Missile Trooper, and even Railgunner are very useful for this map as there aren't many big areas of the path where land tower coverage is great.
  • There's a gap between the rocks in one of the hills with plenty of room to place spawner towers and farms.

Interactive Map[]


Patch Notes[]

  • 21 November 2023
    • Misleading Pond is released alongside the game.
Regular Simple
Event XMAS 2023
April Fools' 2024
Tower Battles
Halloween 2024
XMAS 2024
Removed Hard