Tower Defense X Wiki

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Tower Defense X Wiki
Tower Defense X Wiki
Event Content
Event Content
This was part of the 2024 Halloween Event. As of 19/12/2024, the event has concluded.


Ragnarok is the event map for Chapter IV of the 2024 Halloween Event, and players can only play Chapter IV and Chapter IV Nightmare on it.


Rangarok is a wasteland themed map. It takes place on a chunk of wasteland held with large chains over a pit of lava with destroyed rocks and pillars creating obstacles in the far ends of the map. At the far sights of the map there are destroyed buildings. Near the player spawn in the middle of the map, there is the GDA Base with a watchtower and a satellite dish on top of it, and has 4 railguns that point to the north, south, east, and west sides of the map.

Enemies would spawn on one of 15 paths around the map and make their way over to the GDA Base, attacking it when they were close enough. Unlike other maps however, they directly attack the base instead of subtracting health based on how much health they have, allowing players to kill them instead of letting them go. In addition, towers would be attacked in the same way if they blocked the path the enemy is taking. Bosses take an alternate path that roams around the outside of the base, attacking towers instead.

It is possible to repair the Base by interacting with a proximity prompt while near. This allows for players to recover from damage by attacking enemies.


  • Defending all sides of the GDA Base is necessary to keep its health at a reasonable level.
  • On Wave 3, A Ravager comes in from the side opposite to the glowing white part of the antenna while 2 Strikers come in from the side to the right of said part of the antenna.
    • However, in Halloween IV Nightmare, one Striker instead comes in from the side to the left of said part, forcing more sides to require defense to be safe.
  • In the middle of the Base's walls, support towers such as EDJ and Commander are effective at buffing your towers as their range does not interfere with the walls.

Interactive Map[]


  • This is the first map where the map itself attacks enemies. This is demonstrated on Wave 4, where the large turrets atop the base begin firing.

Update History[]

  • 9 November 2024
    • Ragnarok has been added as part of Chapter IV of the 2024 Halloween Event.
Regular Simple
Event XMAS 2023
April Fools' 2024
Tower Battles
Halloween 2024
XMAS 2024
Removed Hard