Tower Defense X Wiki

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Tower Defense X Wiki
Tower Defense X Wiki


Research Base is a Simple map created by Archmaestros. Due to Research Base's length, this map is ideal for all modes, but especially Endless and Expert.


Research Base is made up of a path that starts from a lab, where in the middle it goes underwater and ends to another lab, or research base. The map takes place in an island. You cannot place towers underwater so leaking may be hard to defend.


  • Due to this map being Simple, it us advised against to play on due to the maps' rewards being less.
  • It is recommended to use high range towers due to the map not having many smaller curves.
    • Placing them near the path or far from it can help with space.
  • Have backup defense in case of leaks because there is only one curve that most towers ranges are limited to.
  • Warship and Patrol Boat are very good towers to use since the map has enough water (Of both sizes) to place both in.

Interactive Map[]


  • Near the entrance of the Research Base there are words that say "DON'T TRUST THE G.D.A."
    • This implies the GDA may take an antagonistic role in the near future, or it may be someone who has immense hatred for the G.D.A, so they mislead anyone they can.
  • This map may be based off the Scarif base from Star Wars: Rogue one, as both share a beach theme, an extremely long tunnel which leads to a tall tower.

Update History[]

  • 20 April 2024
    • Research Base has been added to the game.
Regular Simple
Event XMAS 2023
April Fools' 2024
Tower Battles
Halloween 2024
XMAS 2024
Removed Hard