Tower Defense X Wiki

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Tower Defense X Wiki
Tower Defense X Wiki


Scorched Passage is a Hard rated map created by archmaestros and was released alongside Endless Mode.


The map resembles two temples of sorts, with a path leading between the two. At the top of the entrance temple, there is a black orb with black fumes smoking out of it. On the top of the exit temple, there is a glowing yellow symbol. This has been confirmed to be Calamity's symbol. Around the entire map, there is floating debris and what looks to be a storm forming.


  • Bottom path Grenadier and Cryo Blaster will help a lot here, as the path is mostly straight and short.
  • Armored Factory, and Z.E.D. are less effective here, due to the short path and lack of curves. However, Barracks can surprisingly work well here because of the lack of curves.
  • This map has no water, so towers like Patrol Boat and Warship are useless here.

Interactive Map[]


  • This map shares the same symbol that is used on Calamity.
    • This most likely means that Calamity has been to Scorched Passage or even resides here.
  • At the start of the map, you can also see the same purple orb that is seen on some of the Tower Battles maps, such as Military Base.
  • The same exact Portal can be seen on the Hellspire map, albeit colored purple.

Update History[]

  • 20 April 2024
    • Scorched Passage is added to the game.
Regular Simple
Event XMAS 2023
April Fools' 2024
Tower Battles
Halloween 2024
XMAS 2024
Removed Hard