Tower Defense X Wiki

- Welcome to the Tower Defense X Wiki, most articles are currently still being updated after launch. Enjoy your stay!

This wiki is not officially endorsed nor affiliated with TDX and its developers. -


Tower Defense X Wiki
Tower Defense X Wiki
Guidelines Manual of Style User Rights Article Structure

Wiki Guidelines

  • Professionalism is required when editing the wiki. - Verbal reminder / Warning depending on the severity of the edit.
  • Do not insert falsified documentation in articles under any circumstances. If you are unsure if a piece of information is valid, do not add it to an article until proper confirmation. - Warning
    • If a user is to obtain potential/unofficial leaked content, it should not be used on articles unless it has been officially leaked, or is confirmed of its existence by a developer. Simply put, the wiki does not allow the spread of misinformation. - Warning
  • Vandalism and mass removal of content from articles is strictly prohibited and will result in an immediate block. This additionally applies to adding mass amounts of unnecessary content to articles.
    • Slight Vandalism = Warning
    • Slight Mass Vandalism & Mild Vandalism = Warning - Temporary ban (1 Week - 6 Months)
    • Heavy Vandalism = Perma-ban
  • Changing an enemy's ability names. - Warning / Temporary ban from editing particular pages
  • Users must be at least 13 years of age in accordance with FANDOM's policies. There will be no exceptions and you will be blocked until you become 13 if caught.
  • 'Edit-Grinding', otherwise known as Edit Spamming, is not allowed. This is the act of editing articles solely to increase a user's edit count. - Warning
  • Do not edit other people's Message Wall greetings or their User Pages without their consent. - Warning
  • Images must pertain to the wiki unless they are an image for personal use[1], otherwise, they will be deleted, You will only be warned for this if you spam upload them.
  • Having an alt account on the wiki is not prohibited, unless one of them has been active in the past 30 days. - Perma-ban of the alt account
  • No loopholes to any rules, have common sense as a user.
  • 3 Warnings[2] = Temporary ban (length depends on the violations)

Discussion Guidelines

  • Type in the English language; Google Translate can help ease communicative issues. - Mutual Warning the first time, Warning every other time
  • NSFW/NSFL and suggestive content should never enter within the parameters of this wiki. Content that falls underneath such content may include Pornography, Gore, and Shock-Content, even if you meant it as a joke.
    • Direct porn will lead to an immediate Perma-ban.
    • Slight NSFW will lead to a Warning.
  • You must always remain respectful when conversing with other users on this platform. We are a community-run wiki, and everybody may have their opinion on topics. Hate speech and harassment fall under this rule. - Warning / Temporary Ban (1 Week - 6 Months) (Depending on severity.)
  • Please refrain from talking about any controversial and/or politic topics. - Warning
  • Do not spam discussions, message walls, or anywhere on the wiki. Spamming does not only include posting messages with rapid succession, but text-walls and other related content as well. - Warning
    • Text-walls or flooding can be classified as an excessive amount of unprompted text that has little to no correlation to the topic of the conversation.
  • Refrain from necro-posting on inactive discussions. Necro-posts are posts over 2 months after the most recent post. - Mutual Warning the first time, Warning every other time
    • Message Walls are an exception, you will only receive a warning when necroposting on multiple Message Walls, or on a Message Wall post over 3 different people have already replied to.
  • Threads and posts that solicit upvotes will be deleted.
  • Do not advertise. - Warning
  • Do not impersonate other users or famous people. - Warning
  • If you have been banned, do not return on a new account. - Perma-ban of the new account
  • No loopholes to any rules, have common sense as a user.
  • 3 Warnings[2] = Temporary ban from discussions (length depends on the violations)

  1. In that case, however, the image has to be named properly, containing the username of the user.
  2. 2.0 2.1 The 3rd warning will sometimes not be given, it will just be a ban right away.