Tower Defense X Wiki

- Welcome to the Tower Defense X Wiki, most articles are currently still being updated after launch. Enjoy your stay!

This wiki is not officially endorsed nor affiliated with TDX and its developers. -


Tower Defense X Wiki
Tower Defense X Wiki
Guidelines Manual of Style User Rights Article Structure

User rights are the privileges that any given user has, principally corresponding to their user groups.[1] The most basic of such privileges allow the creation and revision of articles on the wiki. However, higher user rights allow more advanced actions to be taken, including the protection and deletion of articles.

User rights cannot be achieved naturally apart from the global level, and must be manually handed out by those capable; Content moderators and below are unable to manage the user rights of others. To learn more about user rights, see this page. To see the permissions of user groups, see this page.
If a user is deemed worthy and active, Wiki Staff can decide whether promoting this user to a higher user group would profit the wiki.[2] The user will then either be asked whether they would like to to join the Wiki Staff team due to their outstanding and commendable work, or they will just get promoted with a message on their Message Wall stating that they have been promoted.
User Groups


The head of the wiki.
They have the same permissions as Sysops but are also able to promote other users to Bureaucrat, Sysop and Content Moderator.
These permissions are only given to users who have been a very active Admin for a long time already.


More commonly just referred to as "Administrator" or "Admin".
They have the same permissions as Thread Moderators & Content Moderators, can edit MediaWiki pages and give other users Rollbacker and Thread Moderator permissions.
These permissions are only given to very active members who have been a moderator before already.

Content Moderator

Content Moderators are users with huge amounts of high-quality edits who edit the wiki a lot.
They can rollback edits and protect pages as well as edit protected pages.

Thread Moderator

Thread Moderators keep an eye in the Discussions and comments on pages.
They can edit, delete and lock any posts and comments as well as update the discussion guidelines on the discussions page.
These permissions are only given to people who actively partake in discussions and comments in a good way.


Rollbackers have the option to just undo every edit done by one user on every page they want instantly.

Given out to trusted editors.

  1. User rights and user groups may be used interchangeably, but this article will separate them.
  2. All active Wiki Staff is needed to have agreed on this