Tower Defense X Wiki

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Tower Defense X Wiki
Tower Defense X Wiki


Towers are the players' main source of defense against enemies. Certain Towers can support others by giving them a firerate buff or a damage boost, while other Towers are able to stall and/or debuff enemies. Some Towers can have abilities that allow them to support other towers or deal damage to multiple enemies. Towers have HealthHealth (in every mode but Easy Mode), which will lower when an enemy or boss attacks them, and Towers can die from enough attacks. Once a Tower dies, players are unable to interact with it and it will despawn after a while. However, the XWM Turret and Sentry are able to "cheat death" with their rebuild mechanic, as they are able to "die" 3 times for the former and once for the latter before truly dying.

Damage Types[]

Damage Types are how Towers and Units damage enemies. Enemies can have resistances for these Damage Types which lessen the damage that they receive, forcing players to have loadouts with a variety of these Damage Types. However, Towers like John and Cryo Blaster are able to ignore these resistances upon later upgrades. There are currently eight Damage Types in the game, with those being PierceBullet, FireFire, Splash RadiusExplosive,PierceLaser, FreezeIce, FireGas, PierceMelee, and DamageCollision.

  • Towers with the PierceBullet Damage Type deal less damage to Armor Bullet Resistant enemies like the Armored Runner and Resurrected Juggernaut 2.
  • Towers with the FireFire Damage Type deal less damage to enemies with Fire Immunity Fire Resistance, like Eradicator MK II and Apex Predator.
  • Towers with the Splash RadiusExplosive Damage Type deal less damage to enemies with Explosion Immunity Explosive Resistance like Resurrected Juggernaut.
  • Towers with the PierceLaser Damage Type deal less damage to enemies with Laser Immunity Laser Resistance like the Resurrected Laser Gunner.
  • Towers with the FreezeIce Damage Type are able to freeze enemies, but do not deal any damage to Freeze immunity Freeze Resistant enemies like the Armored Runner.
  • Towers with the FireGas Damage Type currently deal full damage to every enemy, but this Damage Type is only exclusive to the Toxicnator.
  • Towers with the PierceMelee Damage Type deal less damage to MeleeResistanceMelee Resistant enemies like the Executioner and Nightmare Heretic and is only exclusive to Slammer, units from the Relic, and John's Axe Attack ability.
  • Units have the DamageCollision Damage Type, which is typically not used for most enemies, with the exception of several bosses and the Avatar having CollisionImmunityCollision Resistance.

Any enemy with negative Resistances will instead take more damage from the respective damage types.

Tower List[]

Shop Towers are towers that players can currently get through the shop. All towers cost Gold Currency Gold but some require players to be a certain rank in order to purchase it. All rank locked towers can also be purchased with Robux Robux.

Unlocked by Default
Rank 15,‎ ‎Gold Currency 450,‎ ‎or Robux 350
Laser gunner
Laser Gunner
Rank 35,‎ ‎Gold Currency 5,500,‎ ‎or Robux 1,000
Rank 64,‎ ‎Gold Currency 8,750,‎ ‎or Robux 1,750
Rank 50,‎ ‎Gold Currency 15,000,‎ ‎or Robux 800
Rank 60,‎ ‎Gold Currency 15,000,‎ ‎or Robux 1,200
Rank 75,‎ ‎Gold Currency 22,000,‎ ‎or Robux 1,900
Shop XWM
XWM Turret
Rank 60,‎ ‎Gold Currency 32,000,‎ ‎or Robux 2,500
Rank 100,‎ ‎Gold Currency 75,000,‎ ‎or Robux 4,950
Rank 85,‎ ‎Gold Currency 82,000,‎ ‎or Robux 4,200

Event Towers are towers that players could have gotten from completing an event. These towers are only available for a limited period of time.

Unreleased Towers are Towers that were teased BEFORE the game's release. These may be released on a later date or scrapped entirely.


Mechanics Tower Mechanics
Enemy Mechanics
Map Mechanics
