Update Log
This is a list of every update in Tower Defense X, ranging from the April Fools Demo to the present day.
Update Types[]
Each type of color is a different type of update, color is decided by the highest type of change added with the exception of major updates which are decided if they are big content updates or have a two number version number like: "1.3" The list is in order of highest type to lowest type of change.
White: Major Updates
Yellow: Minor Content Updates
Red: Balance Changes
Blue: Bugfixes
Green: Others
Major Updates will most likely be named, as such all update page names will be formatted like this: "(v_version.number.secondnumber) - Update Name"
Update List[]
(v3.0.0) 2025 Valentine's Event [14/2/2025][]
- Added the Valentine's Skincrate.
- Added 10 new skins:
Lovable Grenadier - Common
Anime Shotgunner - Common
Neko Missile Trooper - Uncommon
Cat Girl Juggernaut - Epic
Anime Sentry - Epic
Neko Farm - Epic
Anime John - Epic
Cat Maid Mine Layer - Epic
Anime Armored Factory - Legendary
Neko John - Legendary
- A list below are skins that have been given animations and/or got remodeled.
Tower Battles Operator
Tower Battles Trooper
Tower Battles Sniper
Tower Battles Juggernaut
Pumpkin Juggernaut
Relic Cyro Blaster
Plague Doctor Medic
- Auto Skip is now in game.
- Slow Mode is now in game.
- Emote Music can now be toggled.
Slammer's Voice Actor now changed.
Valentine's Bundle back on sale.
( Tower Sales [25/12/2024][]
- Two towers have been rereleased as gamepasses, and Cryo Helicopter has been lowered in price.
Flame Trooper (
Z.E.D. (
Cryo Helicopter (
2500 -->
- New Code, XMAS24 for
(v2.5.0) 2024 XMAS Event [19/12/2024][]
7 January 2024
- Added 1 new tower.
Ice Breaker - Beat Christmas II Nightmare[1]
Additional Changes
- Golden Eradicator MK IV's correct soundtrack is now used.
- Railgunner's targeting is now set to first instead of strongest.
19 December 2024
- Added 1 new tower.
Cryo Helicopter - Tier 17
- Created a new Battle Pass, with these items in order:
Christmas Shotgunner
- Cryo Blast (x3)
Christmas Sentry
- Hot Chocolate Emote
- Cryo Blast (x5)
Christmas John
15000 XP
Christmas Golden Ranger
- Eradicator Toy Emote
Christmas XWM Turret
- Cryo Blast (x10)
Christmas Ghost
Cryo Helicopter
M.O.A.B. (x2)
25000 XP
Nuclear Missile (x3)
- Preset Loadouts are now in the game.
- Cutscenes are now in the game.
- Matchmaking has been added.
- A Quest System for the event has been added, which resets every 24 hours.
- Cyro Ranger and the 2023 XMAS Skin Bundle are now back on sale.
- All main mode tokens for the Battlepass have been increased.
Additional Changes
- Eradicator MK IV Freeze Buffed.
- Golden Eradicator MK IV Freeze Buffed.
- Multiple Endless Enemies such as Anti Golem and Assailant Freeze Buffed.
- Knight is now easier to freeze.
- Super Heavy Zombie is now easier to freeze.
- Revived Titan is now easier to freeze.
- Armored Runners have 20% ice resistance instead of 100%.
- Nightmare Exo Santa is extremely difficult, if not impossible to freeze now.
- Predator is now harder to freeze by 50%.
- Elite Grenadier has its summon cooldown increased to 4 seconds after spawning in.
- Eradicators deal % damage + base damage now.
- Eradicator's rockets deal 10% plus 160 damage now.
- Eradicator's rockets deals 10% plus its base damage now.
(v2.4.1) Mobster Tower [29/11/2024][]
- Added the
Mobster Tower.
- Added a Black Friday Sale, with these towers discounted:
Sniper - 70% Off (
350 -->
Laser Gunner - 55% Off (
1000 -->
Artillery - 30% Off (
1750 -->
Armored Factory - 50% Off (
1500 -->
Ghost - 40% Off (
1200 -->
Slammer - 50% Off (
1900 -->
XWM Turret - 30% Off (
2500 -->
Golden Mine Layer - 40% Off (
2900 -->
Warship - 15% Off (
4950 -->
Helicopter 25% Off (
3950 -->
Relic 10% Off (
1500 -->
- Gold has also been discounted, by 30%.
- Rail Trooper and Overseer have been given Stun Immunity
(v2.4.0) TDX 1 Year Anniversary [21/11/2024][]
- Added the 1 Year Party Crate, which include these skins:
Party Ranger - Common
Party John - Common
Party Farm - Uncommon
Party Missile Trooper - Uncommon
Party Juggernaut - Epic
Party Artillery - Legendary
35% bonus Gold for triumphing either Easy Mode, Intermediate Mode, Elite Mode, or Expert Mode.
- Eradicator's Sword Shock ability now makes towers dance for 4 Seconds.
- Eradicator's rockets deal their previous damage, + 20% of their HP.
- Eradicator MK II's Rockets now makes towers dance for 4 Seconds.
- Lighting around the spawn point has been reduced.
(v2.3.2.05) Rebalances and Buffs [28/10/2024][]
Pumpkin Juggernaut's model fixed.
XWM Turret's model fixed.
Relic Cyro Blaster VFX fixed.
Farm's Viewport in the Lobby is now fixed.
EDJ has been buffed.
Golden Juggernaut has been rebalanced.
Scarecrow's 5% damage buff has been removed.[2]
Relic has been buffed.
- [[File:MedicLevel1.png|40x40px|link=Medic] Medic has been buffed.
- Heals more HP.
- Has more HP.
Shotgunner has been buffed.
Armored Factory has been buffed.
Railgun Warship damage increased by 5.
Missile Trooper has been buffed.
(v2.3.1 - v2.3.2) 2024 Halloween Event [25/10/2024][]
- 25/10/2024
- Added Halloween Lobby.
- Added Halloween I and Halloween I Nightmare.
- Added 1 new map.
- Calamity - Normal
- Added 3 new towers.
Scarecrow - Tier 3
Flame Trooper - Tier 16
Relic - Tier 22
- Created a new Battle Pass, with these items in order:
Cardboard Ranger
Cardboard Shotgunner
Candy Grenadier
Halloween Farm
Astronaut Toxicnator
Cardboard John
A-10 Strike (x5)
Pumpkin Juggernaut
Toxic John
Relic Cyro Blaster
Mysterious Mine Layer
M.O.A.B. (x2)
Flame Trooper
Head Slammer
Conga Emote
Plague Doctor Medic
Pumpkin XWM Turret
Patriot Golden Juggernaut
Pirate Commander
Clown Armored Factory
50000 XP
Nuclear Missile (x3)
- 26/10/2024
- Added Halloween II and Halloween II Nightmare
- Added 1 new map.
- Factorium - Normal
- 2/11/2024
- Added Halloween III and Halloween III Nightmare.
- Added 1 new map.
- Hellspire - Normal
- Nerfed
- Rebalanced
XWM Turret.
HP has been overall increased.
- Nerfed
HP has been overall reduced.
HP has been overall increased.
Relic's placement has been buffed from 2 to 4.
Flame Trooper's upgrades have been overall increased.
- 9/11/2024
- Added Halloween IV and Halloween IV Nightmare
- Added 1 new map.
- Ragnarok '- Normal'
New Lobby UI [22/10/2024][]
- New Lobby UI.
- Can now only bring 4 Power-Ups per game, 6 if VIP.
- Added new code.
- Added placeholder for the Conga Emote.
- Fixed Player's Loadouts being broken.
- Can now see inside a Helicopter the map you're in.
- Added Flying Detection
- Added Splash Transfer.
Rebalances and Other [27/9/2024] - [11/10/2024][]
A combined total of changes and rebalances added over a few days.
- 27/9/2024
Sentry buffed.
- 28/9/2024
- Updated Hard and Impossible maps to award more gold.
- Simple maps rewards buffed: -10% --> -5%
Helicopter buffed.
- 29/9/2024
Helicopter crash optimized.
- Water on Highrise removed.
Helicopter no longer flies really high on Research Base.
Sentry nerfed.
- Tower Battles Lobby removed.
- Medal count when viewing other player's loadouts has been fixed.
- Viewing loadouts fixed on mobile.
- 30/9/2024
- Increased UI of Vending Machine and Emote Wheel on mobile.
- Range of
Sentry now properly displayed correctly.
- 1/10/2024
Sentry aim time added.
Helicopter movement smoothed out to look more realistic.
- 2/10/2024
- Added recoil to
Sentry's barrels.
- Fixed errors with rewinding.
- Added recoil to
- 9/10/2024
Stun Immunity shown on Tower UI.
- 11/10/2024
(v2.2.3) Helicopter Update [27/9/2024][]
- Added 2 new towers.
- Added 10 new maps.
- Outpost Forge - Simple
- Anchor - Simple
- Junction - Easy
- GDI Port City - Normal
- Route - Normal
- Simulation - Normal
- Hakurei Shrine - Normal
- Gas Station - Hard
- Survival 202 - Hard
- Baseplate - Impossible
- Added the viewing Loadouts System.
- Added Vending Machines, being able to purchase consumables for 5 Gold.
Medic has been buffed, higher placement limit, more HP and heals more HP.
Armored Factory now has a 3 placement limit instead of 2 in Quad Games.
Slammer nerfed, now deals 1300 damage with the slam ability, including the fire DPS and stun time lower.
XWM Turret has been nerfed, rebuild time 35 seconds instead of 15, and rebuilding onwards adds 30 seconds.
Railgunner has been buffed.
Ghost shop price reduced, 19k --> 15k
Golden Juggernaut Buffed:
- Apex Predator nerfed, all AOE attacks deal less damage.
- Eradicator MK I Combat nerfed, all AOE attacks deal less damage.
- Slightly increased Gold for defeating Calamity and later waves. (Wave 80
6000 -->
- Towers now rotate 45° instead of 90° when pressing R.
(v2.2.2.5) [19/9/2024][]
- Enabled Powerups on Tower Battles Nightmare.
- The Tower Battles Nightmare badge is now unobtainable.
- Spinning pieces such as vehicle wheels, miniguns,
XWM Turret and
Golden Mine Layer's mines have all been optimized.
- Rewards are now limited to 4 players a game, if a 5th player glitches into a 4 player game, rewards will not be given.
(v2.2.2) 2024 Summer Event [17/8/2024][]
- Added the Summer Skincrate.
- Added 8 new skins:
Summer Operator - Common
Summer Missile Trooper - Common
Summer Grenadier - Common
Summer Medic - Uncommon
Summer Mine Layer - Uncommon
Summer John - Epic
Summer Slammer - Legendary
Summer EDJ - Legendary
Added Golden Mine Layer.
- Added Asteroid map.
(v2.2.1) Ghost Update [2/8/2024][]
- Added the
Ghost tower.
- Added 12 new skins:
Ghost Operator - Common
Ghost Shotgunner - Common
Ghost Grenadier - Common
Ghost Mine Layer - Common
Ghost Missile Trooper - Uncommon
Ghost Sniper - Uncommon
Ghost Laser Gunner - Uncommon
Ghost Railgunner - Epic
Ghost John - Epic
Ghost Juggernaut - Legendary
Ghost Slammer - Legendary
Ghost EDJ - Legendary
- Buffed
Laser Gunner.
- Buffed
XWM Turret.
- Buffed
- Buffed
- Buffed
- Buffed
Cryo Ranger.
- Rebalanced
Armored Factory.
Medic can no longer buff
XWM Turret.
- Dead End Valley is now Hard difficulty
(v2.2.0) Tower Battles Event [12/07/2024][]
- Added the Tower Battles Event
- Added 2 towers:
- Added 13 new skins:
- Added 2 gamemodes:
- Added 2 power-ups:
- Added 5 maps:
- Western - Simple
- Grasslands - Easy
- Borderlands - Easy
- Military HQ - Easy
- Pond - Hard
- Buffed
- Nerfed
- Nerfed
XWM Turret
- Buffed
Golden Ranger
Removed one map:
(v2.1.1) - July 4th Update [04/07/2024][]
- Changed Lobby theme
- Added July 4th Crate
- Contains 10 new skins:
Freedom Ranger - Common
U.S. Grenadier - Common
Combat Medic - Common
Miss America Slammer - Uncommon
Freedom Beam Railgunner - Uncommon
United Warship - Epic
Soldier Missile Trooper - Epic
Bulldozer Juggernaut - Epic
Cowboy John - Legendary
Patriot Armored Factory - Legendary
- Contains 10 new skins:
- Added M.O.A.B.
- New code: "freedom"
- Rebalanced
Armored Factory
- Buffed
- Increased Danger Beach's water
(v2.1.0.5) - Medic Update [01/06/2024][]
Medic can now buff
XWM Turret
- PunkBuster Missile can now be won from Expert Mode and Endless Mode
- Fixed
Medic's Uber effect not being removed correctly
- Fixed
Sniper's Flare Gun Ability SFX
- Fixed skins not applying correctly to towers with projectiles
- Added a slight random delay for when enemies spawn due to Calamity's ability
(v2.1.0) - Slammer and Medic [31/05/2024][]
- Added 2 new Towers
- Added 1 Power-up
- Added 1 new Map
- Highrise - Simple
- Added purchasable Eradicator MK I Combat UGC
- Buffed
- Buffed
- Fort Summit is now Simple difficulty
(v2.0.1) - Nuke Update [27/04/2024][]
- Added the Nuclear Missile power-up
- Added 1 new map
- Reworked
- Buffed
XWM Turret
- Reworked Endless Mode & added 80 more waves as well as multiple new enemies to it
(v2.0.0) - Endless Update [20/04/2024][]
- Removed Toilet Mode and all its enemies.
- Removed April Fools maps.
- Added Endless Mode together with all its enemies.
- 4 new bosses are present in Endless Mode:
- 4 new minibosses are present in Endless Mode:
- Added 8 Power-ups, obtainable with
Gold and every win:
- Towers now heal 1% of their total
Health every second if no damage has been dealt to them for 8 seconds.
- Added 3 new towers:
- Added 8 new Maps.
- Singularity - Easy
- Assembly Line - Normal
- Purgatory - Normal
- Limbo - Hard
- Scorched Passage - Hard
- Sorrows Harbor - Hard
- Blade Works - Impossible
- Super Secret Forest
- Buffed the following towers:
- Buffed the following bosses:
- Eradicator
- Eradicator MK II
- Intermediate Mode's wave amount has been decreased from 35 to 32.
- Added multiple QoL features.
- Added an Update UI.
- Added a refresh command for private servers.
- Hard & Impossible Maps are now only in the rank 30+ section.
- Added Map Medals.
- Reworked Speed Up gamepass.
- New Advisor dialogues
- New Code: powerupzbutworks
(v1.1) - April Fools' Update [30/03/2024][]
- Added Toilet Mode together with all its enemies.
- Added 5 new maps.
- Toilet City - Easy
- Lava World - Easy
- Super Secret Forest - Hard
- The Really Long Map - Hard
- Baseplate Toilet - Hard
Buffs have been given to
(v1.0) - Armored Factory Update [08/03/2024][]
- Added
Armored Factory
- Completely remade models and new mechanics allow the tanks to function without breaking your in game performance
- Expert Mode balance changes
- All prior stealthed enemies up until wave 17 are no longer stealth, making space for towers other than the
Laser Gunner
- Advisor's advice is now improved to fit the new changes.
- All prior stealthed enemies up until wave 17 are no longer stealth, making space for towers other than the
- Nerfed
(v0.12) - Part II Rebalance Update [01/03/2024][]
- Removed the 2024 Valentine's Event.
- Buffed
- Rebalanced
- Buffed
Artillery: placement cost decreased.
- Rebalanced
Mine Layer.
(v0.11) - Part I Rebalance Update [24/02/2024][]
- Rebalanced
- Rebalanced
- Units can't shoot while directly on another unit; they have to move forward first. (Experimental)
- Placement limits were changed.
- Rebalanced Rail Trooper.
- Rebalanced
- Rebalanced
Missile Trooper.
- Buffed
Farm: decreased placement and X-4 cost.
Warship's base cost went from
$12,000 -->
- Tower placement limits changed.
(v0.10) - 2024 Valentine's Update [14/02/2024][]
- Added the 2024 Valentine's Event.
- Added 8 new Valentine's themed skins.
Valentine's Mine Layer
- Valentine's Grenadier
Valentine's Missile Trooper
Valentine's Railgunner
Valentine's Operator
Valentine's Sniper
- Valentine's EDJ
Jane John
- Eradicator and Eradicator MK II are reskinned to be valentine's themed.
(v0.9) - The Skin Exchange Update [09/02/2024][]
- Added the new skin exchange system.
- Added the Epic rarity.
- Added 15 new skins.
RCU Juggernaut
RCU Operator
Ghost Juggernaut
Retro Juggernaut
Retro Laser Gunner
Toxic Laser Gunner
Toxic Sniper
- Digital Desert Camo Railgunner
- Digital Desert Camo Sniper
- Digital Desert Camo Railgunner
- Digital Urban Camo Railgunner
- Digital Urban Camo Sniper
- Woodlands Camo Railgunner
- Woodlands Camo Sniper
- Forest Camo Railgunner
- Forest Camo Sniper
- 2 new maps.
- Treasure Cove - Easy
- Carrier - Hard
- Added emotes.
- Daily Login Rewards buffed about 2-3x more.
- Removed Christmas decorations and music.
(v0.8.2) - Rewind Balance Changes [31/01/2024][]
- Rewinds are now limited to 5 per game.
- Fixed rewind rewinding to incorrect time if many waves are skipped.
- Rewinds on early waves (typically waves 0-9) are now Robux-only purchases.
(v0.8.1) - Ability Info Button [30/01/2024][]
- QOL change: Abilities now have an info button showing the ability's effects.
(v0.8) - The Toxicnator Update [29/01/2024][]
- Added a new tower:
- Added the Rewind Feature.
- Now shows speed increase percentage on cloned enemies.
- Abilities now have an "!" button to view info on the ability.
- Added 4 new achievements.
- Stay Down Bud
- Predator Knock Down
- First Impossible Map
- First Win
- Intermediate Mode max Gold increased:
450 -->
- Elite Mode max Gold increased:
675 -->
Operator was slightly buffed.
(v0.7.3) - Enemy Nerfs [20/01/2024][]
- Armored Runner, Resurrected Juggernaut, and Resurrected Juggernaut 2 have nerfed resistances.
Sniper buffed: Flare Gun now added on X-4 instead of X-5.
- Flare Gun ability now has a 15s cooldown, and a 40 stud radius.
- Multiplier 3s on wave 38 and 39 have been replaced by Multiplier 2's.
- 2023 XMAS Event rewards removed.
(v0.7.2) - Expert Nerfs [19/01/2024][]
- Resurrected Juggernauts and Resurrected Juggernaut 2s no longer have Stealth on wave 38.
(v0.7.1) - Expert Buffs/Nerfs [17/01/2024][]
- Buffed Expert Mode's max Gold:
1,000 -->
- Wave 39 now takes less time to win.
- Revived Boss 2's spawn in earlier.
- Wave 38 and 39 have more Resurrected Juggernaut's, Resurrected Juggernaut 2's, and Toxic Waste's.
(v0.7) - The Grenadier Update [14/01/2024][]
- Added a new tower:
- Added the Rejoin Helper.
(v0.6.1) - QOL Update [13/01/2024][]
- Added keybinds for target settings.
- Added reload timer and predicted splash radius for
EDJ range is now shown during tower placement.
- Added ability range for
John and
Laser Gunner.
Patrol Boat Christmas Skin for levels X-3 to X-5 and 3-X to 5-X changed.
(v0.6) - The Warship + XMAS Nightmare Update [06/01/2024][]
- Released a tower:
- Added a new mode to the 2023 XMAS Event, XMAS Nightmare.
- Added a new character: Dr. Xenon.
- Difficulty changes to these maps:
- Oil Rig - Easy --> Simple
- Secret Forest - Hard --> Normal
- Cow Annoyance - Hard --> Normal
- Changes to certain modes and map difficulties.
(v0.5) - The Christmas Event Update [23/12/2023][]
- Added the 2023 XMAS Event.
- Added a new event map: Santa's Stronghold - Easy
- Added a new tower:
Cryo Ranger.
- Added 3 new maps .
- Fort Summit - Easy
- Chalet - Normal
- Vinland - Normal
- Added 6 new Christmas themed skins.
Christmas Ranger
Christmas Operator
Christmas Mine Layer
Christmas Patrol Boat
Christmas Farm
Christmas Laser Gunner
- Removed the Cow Annoyance map.
- Updated the lobby to have a Christmas theme.
(v0.4) - The Railgunner Update [16/12/2023][]
- Added a new tower:
- Added a new map: Moon Outpost - Easy
- Removed blood effects (and its toggle in Settings).
(v0.3) - The Skins Update [10/12/2023][]
- Added Skins with their rarites:
- Common
- Uncommon
- Legendary
- Exclusive
- Added Tower Battles Skins:
TB Missile Trooper,
TB Operator,
TB Sniper,
TB Juggernaut and
TB EDJ, obtainable through paying with Robux in the "Products" section in the Shop.
- Added a Skincrates system.
- Added the Basic Crate: costs
200 and can give Common, Uncommon, and Legendary skins.
- Added an unfinished Skins duplicate system.
(v0.2.1) - Beta Updates #1 [05/12/2023]-[15/12/2023][]
- These updates are a small compilation of updates made over ten days' worth of time.
- Buffed Wave 39 in Expert Mode: stealthed the Zombie.
- Nerfed Elite Mode
- Wave 15 no longer has a Stealth Mutated Zombie and removed a Multiplier 3 on wave 25.
- Buffed
Artillery: reduced Upgrade Cost for X-3 and X-4 and X-5 price has been increased to
$85,000 to balance its other changes.
- Nerfed
Barracks: increased upgrade costs for Spec Ops, Flamethrower, and Rail Trooper.
- Wave 39 in Expert Mode now has a duration of 2 minutes.
- Multipliers now have
- Fixed
Barracks bug
- Units now die upon selling the tower.
(v0.1.3) - Second Week Of TDX [28/11/2023]-[05/12/2023][]
- These updates are a small compilation of updates made over a week's worth of time.
- Buffed
Patrol Boat: top path stats (range, damage and reload time) buffed + reduced placement cost from
$850 to
- Buffed
Artillery: cheaper upgrades, buffed damage and splash radius, and Skyhawk Artillery now deals
1275 with
- Buffed
- Made Ancient Sky Island placements zones more accurate.
- Hovering over a unit will now show its range.
- Added "johnroblox4" and "johnroblox5" Codes.
- Changed Ancient Sky Island's difficulty from Hard to Simple (the map now rewards 35% less Gold).
- Fixed Resistance Tags being huge on mobile.
- Fixed
Cryo Blaster not showing splash radius on its stats.
- Fixed a
Farm timing bug (if buying 1-X when the plane has started coming in, the crate will visually still be at the old speed now.)
- Fixed more
Farm bugs.
- Fixed a rare bug where Solo only had 5 Towers placement limit.
- Fixed Highlight Outline on the range circle.
(v0.1.2) - First Week Of TDX [22/11/2023]-[28/11/2023][]
- These updates are a small compilation of updates made over a week's worth of time.
- Buffed Easy Mode's max Gold:
160 -->
- Buffed Intermediate Mode's max Gold:
400 -->
- Buffed various achievement gold rewards.
- Buffed
Sniper: better cost efficiency and added Pierce to 3-X.
- Buffed
John: better cost efficiency and added +
1 to the base tower.
- Buffed
Artillery: far better cost efficiency, base level has better overall stats, reduced Target Select ability cooldown by 1 second, and 2-5 Artillery now has
1600 and
- Buffed
Mine Layer: top path has less reload time and bottom path now detects stealth.
- Buffed
Shotgunner: better cost efficiency and ignores bullet resistance on X-4.
- Buffed Eradicator: increased body heat to freeze, increased heat gain, Electronic Rage now thaws itself entirely, and Sword Shock range increased by 5 to 18.
- Buffed Revived Plague Doctor: increased body heat to freeze, increased heat gain, Scythe Slam damage and range buffed, and Cyan variant of Toxicus Pluvia removed.
- Buffed Eradicator MK II: increased body heat to freeze, increased heat gain and added
50% Fire Resistance.
- Buffed Shared Cash amount in Elite Mode and Expert for Trios and Quads.
- Nerfed
Missile Trooper: X-5 reload time increased by 0.15 to
- Added new Achievements: First Hard Map, [REDACTED] Down! and ERADICATION!
- Added "johnroblox2" and "johnroblox3" Codes.
- Added new leaderboards for: Easy Mode Wins, Intermediate Mode Wins, Elite Mode Wins, Expert Mode Wins and Ranks .
- Reduced +50% Speed Boost cost by 125 for Black Friday.
- Reduced VIP cost by 50 for Black Friday.
- Added user choice to Mobile Controls.
- Removed Shiftlock in the Lobby to reduce Emote Clipping.
- Victory Gold Rewards and Map Bonus modifier have been made visible in the Gamemode selection.
- Added
EDJ and Ambient music sliders in Settings.
- Added
Farm Total Cash Earned to the stats panel.
- Added Info Chips to Enemies.
- Added a cap to cloned enemies (maximum of 150).
- Skip wave vote now adjusts number of votes when needed if players join/leave.
- Purchasing a tower from the Tower Shop now auto-equips the tower if loadout space exists.
- Tower Shop now shows what towers are currently equipped.
- Tower Shop now shows what a tower's base stats are.
- Plus Icon no longer visible on towers you don't own.
- Reduced window resizing lag.
- Added Loading Time optimizations.
- Added Netcode optimizations.
- Fixed bug that made 1-X
Farm upgrade not work.
- Fixed bug related to boss HP bar scaling.
- Fixed bug causing cash to disappear when someone joins the game late.
(v0.1.1) - Day 1 Patch [21/11/2023][]
- Buffed these gamemodes:
- Changed Intermediate Mode's Gold payout scaling to make it less top heavy.
- Fixed bug that allowed 5 players in a match with only 4 player slots.
- Fixed bug that set a player's money to 0 and disabled the UI permanently in a match.
- Fixed bug that caused a player's data loading to fail.
- Fixed bug that made it impossible to place towers when a player was too close to the spot.
(v0.1) - Open Beta Release [21/11/2023][]
- Added Game Access for all players.
- Removed all experimental content.
- Added the first version of the Lobby.
- Added Easy Mode.
- Added Intermediate Mode.
- Added Elite Mode.
- Added Expert Mode.
- Added 15 towers.
Mine Layer
Cryo Blaster
Missile Trooper
Patrol Boat
Laser Gunner
Warship (unobtainable before 06/1/2024)
- Added 16 maps.
- Oil Rig - Easy
- Ancient Sky Island - Easy
- Apocalypse - Easy
- Blox Out - Easy
- Danger Beach - Normal
- Military Harbor - Normal
- Vapor City - Normal
- Cow Annoyance - Hard
- Secret Forest - Hard
- Misleading Pond - Hard
- Obscure Island - Hard
- SFOTH - Hard
- Unforgiving Winter - Hard
- Volcanic Mishap - Hard
- Winter Fort - Hard
- Deserted Island - Impossible
- Made 12 Badges obtainable.
- Defeat Plague Doctor!
- Rank 10
- Rank 24
- Rank 40
- Rank 64
- Rank 90
- Rank 100
- Rank 125
- Rank 150
- Defeat Revived Plague Doctor!
- Added 36 Achievements.
- Added "johnroblox" Code.
(v0.0.1) [1/4/2023][]
- Removed Game Access for all players.
- Removed the ability for players to own all towers for free.
- Removed April Fools Decorations.
- Made "TDX Player Real?" Badge unobtainable.
- Removed the poorly made sign the lobby.
(v0.0) April Fools Demo [1/4/2023][]
- Added Game Access for all players.
- Added experimental Maps, Enemies and Towers.
- Added an experimental version of Easy Mode.
- Added an experimental version of the Lobby.
- Allowed Players to own all towers for free.
- Added April Fools Decorations to the lobby.
- Added "TDX Player Real?" Badge.
- Added a poorly made sign to the lobby.
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Browsing | Attributes • Beginner's Guide • Currency • Emotes • Enemies • Events • Exclusive Content • Game Bugs • Gamemodes • Maps • Narrators • Skincrates • Skins • Towers • Units • Update Log | |
Features | Achievements • Codes • Daily Login Rewards • Keybinds • Ranks • Vending Machine | |
Mechanics | Tower Mechanics | Interactive Abilities |
Enemy Mechanics | Conversion | |
Map Mechanics | 2021 Koenigsegg Jesko • GDA Artillery • GDA Base • Fortress Snowlyn Gate | |
Miscellaneous | Badges • Developer Products • Gamepasses • GDA • Lobby • Soundtracks • Tower Defense X • Tower Defense X (Group) • Unreleased/Scrapped Content |