The Warship is a formidable naval tower that starts off as a patrol ship and evolves into larger vessels upon upgrading. It is unlocked at Rank 100 and will require a 75,000 in order to purchase it. It can only be placed in large bodies of water, limiting the number of maps that it is able to be placed on. Being as strong as it is expensive, it demands over $300,000 in order to max out either of its paths. With it's extremely high stats and map-wide range, the Warship tends to dominate in any gamemode if the player can afford its steep base cost and upgrades. However, stronger bosses, especially those in Endless Mode, will have specific abilities that outright kill Warships, making the investment costly compared to other DPS options if not managed properly.
The Top Path for the Warship grants it a large Splash Radius at the cost of it not having Stealth Detection. Each shell fired by a Warship will deal 1,385 to enemies when it is maxed out, making it a great choice for crowd control. It is recommended to pair it with its Bottom Path or a max level bottom path Helicopter in order to allow it to detect stealthed enemies. At Level 5, it has 17 independently targeting attacks which tend to fire at the same time. If it's targeting is set to random, it provides extreme crowd control due to each attack targeting a different enemy in a large crowd.
The Bottom Path for the Warship grants it Stealth Detection at level X-3. When maxed out, it is able to deal a whopping 15,515 per attack. However, it's attack radius significantly shrinks at Level X-5, making it more of a single target DPS tower. It is also given the ability to temporarily unstealth all enemies on the map for 20 seconds, allowing its Top Path counterpart or other towers without stealth detection to damage said enemies.
Due to the Warship's large price tag the Farm is extremely useful to gain money quickly to afford its upgrades.
When using Top Path Warships, players should ensure that the map is within all of its turret's line of sight via rotating.
In Endless Mode, bosses like Eradicator MK IV and Eradicator MK I Combat will tend to target the farthest tower with the highest health. Players should use the Top PathWarship to bait them into attacking that tower instead of more valuable groups of towers or Bottom PathWarships.
It is advised to set targeting on the Top Path Warship to Random, as this allows its guns to target different enemies gaining the most value out of its main cannon's large splash radius.
Bottom Path Warships should have their targeting set to Strongest.
The only exception to this rule is Endless Mode where enemies eventually have more than enough HP and speed to tank several shots from it and leak.
The Warship completely lacks stun immunity. This normally does not affect the Warship as it is simply too far to be targeted, but it should be kept in mind when fighting certain enemies that may reach it.
Players should not rely only on Warships in order to win matches. Players should have a good defense before attempting to place a Warship down.
Due to its outrageously large placement size and its restriction to being placed on water, not only can it not be used in a lot of maps, but the maps that can fit the Warship may only be able to fit a certain amount, sometimes not even more than one Warship.
This lowers its potential DPS as there will be less Warships on the battlefield.
Direct support towers like the EDJ, Commander, John, and Medic do not work with the Warship, meaning it can't be buffed to further increase its damage/DPS or be protected by bosses and enemies through traditional methods.
This doesn't mean that the Warship cannot be supported at all; the Warship will still deal bonus damage to enemies frozen by Cryo Blaster or debuffed by the Toxicnator's ability or the Flame Trooper's regular attack from Level 2.
Bottom Path Warship's ability can remove the stealth factor from all enemies on the map temporarily, making it very viable for hordes of stealthed enemies.
Due to the speed of the shells, it is possible for the Warship to have shells that fly to an enemy that is already dead, especially on its lower levels. This can be an issue as the Warship has a low rate of fire and usually cannot compensate for a missed shot in lower numbers.
This is not an issue for the maxed levels of both path; the Bottom Path Warship's explosions are instant, while some of the Top Path Warship's shells travel quickly.
Although the Medic can't heal the Warship, the Healing Field surprisingly can.
This is not necessary as most attacks that can target Warships are either very weak which it can naturally heal from or strong attacks that can destroy a Warship in seconds.
For more DPS and less blindness from mass explosions caused by Battleships.
For more crowd control.
The Warship temporarily ignored explosive resistance.
This was done as a joke, because it was found to be extremely unbalanced, as you could have defeated Endless with only Warship and Slammer.
The Warship is the only tower to have its price and rank requirement increased.
The Warship's rank requirement was originally Rank 150, but it was later increased to Rank 225 because a player had almost reached Rank 150 nearly a week after the game's release.
Its rank requirement was likely altered because it hadn't finished being balanced even after the game's release. Its presence was more than likely being used as an asset to urge players to play the game more.
The Warship is one of two nautical towers in the game, the other being Patrol Boat.
Although the Warship was first to be added, it became officially purchasable after the Patrol Boat.
The Warship's old name used to be "Battleship", but this has since been changed after the game's release.
This is possibly because only the 5-X upgrade was a true battleship, with the other levels being patrol ships, destroyers, cruisers, and an LCS.
Prior to the XMAS Nightmare's update, the Warship was the only level tower that could not be purchased with Robux.
The Warship is not affected by line-of-sight, meaning it can bypass walls on all maps.
The Warship is one of two towers that has the base icon of one of its max levels, the other being the Helicopter. The rest of towers showcase their base level (0-0) excluding the Missile Trooper which showcases the second-tier upgrade of the tower.
Originally, 4-X and 5-X Warship were planned to have Air Defense and X-5 would've been able to launch Nuclear ICBMs, however, Air Defense and the ICBM were scrapped from the game for unknown reasons. The former was likely scrapped due to the lack of flying enemies, and with the latter most likely being for balance.
John has stated in a livestream that Warship (5-X) will get an Anti-Air C-RAM and ICBM-Missiles (X-5)
The Warship is the only tower that was given death animation added after its release, added in during the Endless Mode update. The lack of a death animation was likely because barely any enemies could destroy it, much less attack it, before the update, other than the Eradicator MK II and SUPER REVIVED TOLIET JOHN MK I9X.
The number 445 on the Warship's 5-X upgrade seems to be a reference to the destroyer seen in the Battlefield 1942 intro.